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SWEDISH PROPOSAL: Sweden's proposal to create an Inter-Governmental Negotiating Committee (INC), A/CONF.164/L.39 of 16 March 1994, received little attention during the intersessional period. The proposal remains on the table for further, if any, consideration, during this session of the Conference. There are indications that a "middle ground" position may be secured during this session and thus go some way towards meeting the requirements of the Swedish proposal, without creating a special INC.

ECUADOR PROPOSAL: Ecuador's working paper for a "Draft Convention on the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks on the High Seas", A/CONF.164/L.44 of 28 March 1994, tabled in Spanish and English during the final day of the Plenary session in March, appears to have received little consideration during the intersessional period. The document, re-issued for technical reasons as A/CONF.164/L.44*, is now available in all languages. Look for further reference to this document by the west coast South American States during this session.

THE BUENOS AIRES MEETING: The Like-Minded core group, consisting of Argentina, Canada, Chile, Iceland, New Zealand, Norway and Peru, together with Sweden, Japan, Papua New Guinea, the EU, the South Pacific Forum, the Russian Federation and the United States, met in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in June 1994. This intersessional meeting considered the Chair's revised negotiating text (A/CONF.164/13/Rev.1) as well as the major differences between coastal States and flag States on questions of compatibility and dispute settlement. Additionally, the Like-Minded core-group met separately to evaluate how the draft might later be transformed into convention language. Argentina's Council for International Relations hosted a parallel international seminar on the Adoption of an Effective Regime for the Conservation of Living Resources in the Area Adjacent to the Exclusive Economic Zone. Legal experts from Canada, Chile, Iceland, Norway, Peru, USA, the FAO, and national and international institutions attended from 7-9 June 1994 in Buenos Aires. Conference Chair Satya Nandan attended. The "Buenos Aires Declaration" was adopted on 9 June 1994 and supports the efforts of the international community for the establishment of an effective regime for the conservation and management of these resources.

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