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ENB:10:20 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


The "Friends of the Chair" met Wednesday evening to discuss a paper on elements for the draft Declaration, prepared by PrepCom Chair Juan Somav¡a. The draft contains four parts: Introduction; Current social situation and reasons for the Summit; Principles, common values and goals; and Commitments. There are nine commitments: promotion of social progress and enhancement of the human condition; eradication of poverty in the shortest period possible; enabling all people to earn livelihoods through freely chosen employment; promotion of social integration; achievement of full equality between men and women; promotion of the economic, social and human development of Africa and the least developed countries; "socially-oriented" structural adjustment programmes; generation of sufficient resources; and improvement of the international economic environment and international financial assistance.

The initial reaction of delegates to this document was positive, although many thought it should be shortened. NGOs were seen smiling in the corridors while reading "this dream document."