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ENB:11:24 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


Chair Amb. H.L. de Silva (Sri Lanka) invited Working Group II to consider the reports of the informal groups contained in documents A/CONF.165/PC.3/L.3/Add.3 (36-42); Add.4 (43-65); and, Add.5 (66-75). Consultations on 1-12 (preamble) and 13, 24, 25, 44 (right to housing) were still underway. Delegates reviewed and accepted 36-42, as amended. On 43-65, delegates accepted most paragraphs. The US bracketed 56(d) (taxation to stimulate equitable use of land) and "equitable" in the chapeau of 57. References to "people living in poverty" replaced "the poor." In 66-75, the US bracketed "equitable" in the chapeau to 66 and Benin bracketed references to "stakeholders" throughout the document. Iran bracketed 71(a) (substitutes for non-renewable resources) as inconsistent with UNFCCC. Delegates debated 72 (vulnerable groups), particularly "[documented] migrants," and bracketed language on local conditions, equal access, and specific vulnerable groups. Pakistan called for insertion of "refugees," but Lebanon objected.