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ENB:11:28 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


Delegates continued to address organizational matters during the morning session. Regarding the Istanbul Declaration, the Chair noted a broad consensus for an open-ended drafting group to synthesize existing drafts. AUSTRALIA, supported by the US and INDIA, proposed that paragraphs assigned to Working Group I that deal with international cooperation should be allocated to Working Group II. Delegates decided that the chairs will reallocate paragraphs between groups when appropriate. The US, supported by the HOLY SEE and the EU, noted paragraphs in the Habitat Agenda were negotiated at PrepCom III, but bracketed because of inadequate time for adoption. She proposed that the Committee adopt these paragraphs before breaking into Working Groups. The Chair said that agreement was reached on the bulk of the text, but noted that the Conference is competent to revisit the entire document. CANADA sought confirmation that NGOs could make interventions during meetings, but could not participate in negotiations. UGANDA, for the G-77/CHINA, said the rules of procedure do not allow for oral submissions in the Committees, but did not object to NGO submissions in light of the Committee’s consensus.

Committee I finalized the elections of chairs and vice-chairs. For Committee I, László Lackó (Hungary), Clarkson Umelo (Nigeria) and Ramon Santelises (Chile) were approved as Vice-Chairs, while the appointment of the rapporteur by the Western Europe and Others Group remains pending. For Working Group I, Vice-Chair Pavel Suian (Romania) was elected. For Working Group II, Chair Glynn Khonje (Zambia) and Vice-Chair Manford Konukiewitz (Germany) were approved. For the informal drafting group for the Istanbul Declaration, Amb. Balkan Kazildeli (Turkey) was approved as Chair and Antonio Fernando Melo (Brazil) as Vice-Chair.