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WWF urged that IPF take a cautious approach to plantations, enhancing plantation biodiversity, increasing NGO participation, and creating a data base. The G-77/CHINA called for: a definition for LFC that is applicable to all countries; coordination of actions with those under the Small Island Developing States Program of Action; and the integration of genetic resource conservation in national forest and land-use plans. The EU encouraged the development of land-use plans in all countries, especially LFCs.

NORWAY said that national forest and land-use plans should address conservation and sustainable development and that the reference to optimum degree of forest cover should be clarified. AUSTRALIA stated that methodologies for forest inventories should be better defined and that many actions proposed for LFCs are relevant to all countries. UKRAINE said that restricted forest areas in LFCs should provide food security and acknowledged their link to public health.

NEW ZEALAND supported by AUSTRALIA, CHILE, CHINA, SOUTH AFRICA, UGANDA and the EU stated that plantations should: enhance biodiversity by taking pressure off natural forests; provide forest goods and services; and be managed using indigenous species. GABON noted common but differentiated responsibilities, stating that developed countries should assist developing LFCs in securing their forests and forest goods and services. IRAN highlighted mangrove and subtropical forests and the environmental and socioeconomic problems of LFCs.