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Mpho Monyai, South African junior ranger, stated that protected areas break the traditional relationship between animals and humankind. He noted that communities' traditional prac-tices for environmental protection were destroyed by western dominance, and called for com-munity involvement in park management. Stephen McCormick, the Nature Conservancy, described protected areas as an insurance for the future and highlighted their recreational and non-monetary values. He stressed that local people should never be displaced from protected areas. Mohammed Rafiq, IUCN, noted that protected areas constitute a hollow concept, since many protected areas are insufficiently managed to secure biodiversity. He stated that protected areas tend to divert focus away from threatened biodiversity outside protected areas, and called for more consideration of community needs. Discussion Participants addressed protected areas as a resource for future generations; cor-ruption in protected area management; conservation through involvement of local communities; and review of protected area management strategies. Bridgewater highlighted the need for multi-stakeholder involvement in conservation and stressed that protected areas should be managed within their local context to meet the aim of biodiversity conservation as well as local needs. |
Dan Nielsen, Denmark, underscored Denmark's commitment to political, technical, and financial support to EECCA and assured Denmark's assistance to the Environment for Europe Conference. He stressed the importance of issues pertaining to water and energy sectors, and highlighted a new EU water partnership initiative. Pieter van Geel, Norwegian Minister of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment of the Netherlands, said that the development of a new Europe requires close cooperation with EECCA countries. He highlighted the need to: deal with poverty eradication, environmental disasters, and transboundary problems; ensure pollution prevention and control; harmonize environmental policies and legislation; and increase civil society's participation. He called for increased financial support to the region. Discussion: Representatives of EECCA governments, civil society, intergovernmental organizations and donor agencies stressed that the new environmental partnership is a timely undertaking of global importance, and expressed their commitment to political and financial support to the partnership. |
Dakar Djiri, Minister of Environment of Burkina Faso, shared Burkina Faso's experience of developing a national sustainable development strategy and welcomed the publication. Berry Dalal-Clayton and Stephen Bass, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), explained that the book was developed on the basis of a multi-stakeholder knowledge exchange. Bass noted that the book integrates the best available mechanisms for participation, analysis and financing, and represents a menu of tools and approaches, as well as examples of developing strategies. The book explains how to: generate data; start and improve strategy; ensure public involvement; communicate between stakeholders; take decisions; secure a financial basis; and monitor the process and outcomes of national sustainable development strategies. |
Corrado Clini, Italy, introduced the Partnership, including the Beijing Joint Project Management Office. Highlighting involvement of private companies, he described on-going projects in the fields of: environmental monitoring and assessment; energy efficiency; clean development mechanisms; renewable energy sources; urban sustainable mobility; sustainable agriculture; and phase out of hazardous chemicals. Liu Yi, China, underscored the uniqueness of the cooperation as a result of its: open and flexible framework; management mechanism, including the establishment of a Project Management Office; cooperative nature which involves industry, scientific researchers and NGOs; and the creation of a Country Compliance Center for Conventions to strengthen Chinese capacity to implement international agreements. Maria Lodovica Gullino, University of Turin, explained ongoing activities in the agricultural sector. Jacqueline Aloisi de Larderel, UNEP, welcomed the Partnership, especially as it relates to: improving production and consumption patterns; increasing energy efficiency through the development of a life cycle economy, and establishing national-level cleaner production centres. Romeo Orlandi, Italy, introduced the forthcoming 2003 exhibition of the Italian Environmental Technologies in Beijing. Wang Zhijia, China, stressed the: late start but rapid progress of the Partnership; close link with global environmental issues; and partnership's contribution to sustainable development. |
The social dimension of globalization: a dialogue with civil society Rolph van der Hoeven, WCSDG, explained the Commission's aim to investigate ways of addressing the social dimensions of globalization, inter alia, through dialogues with major groups. Tarja Halonen, President of Finland, noted the multi-dimensional nature of globalization, and stressed the need for equitable sharing of its benefits. Yao Graham, Third World Network, stated that globalization primarily benefit developed countries and corporations. June Zeitlin, Women's Environment and Development Organization, stated that women and men experience globalization differently. John Edmonds, Trade Union Congress, stressed the need for safeguards against the detrimental effects of globalization, and called for involvement of workers in decision-making. Neil van Heerden, South Africa Foundation, called for a global dialogue on the social and cultural dimensions of globalization. Kaarin Taipale, International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives, stressed the role of local governments in addressing the effects of globalization. |
Rolph van der Hoeven, the World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization, notes the importance of major group involvement in WCSDG's work. |
Joji Cariño, Tebtebba Foundation, highlighted that opening indigenous lands to corporations have adverse effects on indigenous peoples, and called for a UN declaration on indigenous peoples' rights. Fred Kalibwani, Participatory Ecological Land Use Managers, noted the divide between the globalized rich and the marginalized poor. Thomas Roswell, International Science Council, stressed the importance of education, and called for free interchange of scientists between countries to promote global solidarity. Julia Trombiycaia, the Youth Caucus, stressed the importance of addressing the youth's needs for employment. Tony Juniper, Friends of the Earth, highlighted that globalization favors economical interests, and called for a global convention on corporate accountability. Benjamin Mkapa, President of Tanzania highlighted the challenge of humanizing and controlling globalization. |
Masao Fukasawa, JAMSTEC, highlighted that in 2004 Japan will launch a southern hemisphere cruise in collaboration with other countries. The cruise will collect and measure data at 496 stations relating to water temperature, salinity, oxygen, carbon dioxide, freons, and other chemical. Stephen Briggs, Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS), described CEOS' role in the WSSD process, including: cooperation in Type II partnerships relating to mission planning and data, and policy development; functioning as a focal point for the international user community; and exchanging information on policies and technology. Briggs highlighted that CEOS focuses on the perceived needs of the global user community, inter alia: oceans, atmospheric chemistry, carbon cycle, and water cycle. Linda Moodie, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), underscored that NOAA works closely with CEOS. She described NOAA's activities on disaster management, which include promoting satellite data, recommending improvements, providing supporting tools, and pursuing cooperation with commercial sector. |
Yahya Jammeh, President of the Gambia, stressed the importance and benefits of the process for the Gambia, including for the fishery and tourism sectors. He reiterated the Gambia's commitment to the process. Dominic Fobih, Ghanean Minister of Environment and Science, called for the revitalization of the Nairobi and Abidjian Conventions on the marine and coastal environment. He called for partnerships and for increased financial assistance from developed countries. Daniel Arap Moi, President of Kenya, stressed the transboundary nature of marine resources and the need for regional cooperation. Arcado Ntagazwa, Tanzanian Minister of State for the Environment, stressed the need for a participative bottom-up approach. Pedro Perves, President of Cap Verde, drew attention to the vulnerability of island states. Conrad Lautenbacher, US, stressed the US' technical support to the process. Mohamed El-Ashry, GEF; James Bond, World Bank; Patricio Bernal, Executive Secretary of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO; and Klaus Töpfer, UNEP Executive Director; expressed their organizations' support and assistance to the initiative. Heherson Alvarez, Minister of Environment of the Philippines, called on participating African countries to share knowledge and experience with East Asian countries. He expressed hope that East Asia would develop a similar partnership. |
Iankila Sherpa, Snow Leopard Trek, noted the importance of mountain tourism in Nepal in creating jobs for mountain peoples, and highlighted the demand for food and other commodities in rural markets. She emphasized that Snow Leopard Trek promotes ecologically-friendly tourism and assists local communities to benefit from tourism. Dean Cooper, Parallax, said that Parallax examines energy-related needs and demands in Southern Africa and focuses on renewable energy sources in rural areas. He noted that the SBC increases small businesses' participation in influencing the public and private sectors, and in developing policies and actions. Paul Kapelus and Mokhethi Moshoeshoe, African Institute of Corporate Citizenship (AICC), said that AICC focuses on: promoting corporate social responsibility, especially in the finance sector; conducting research on social risk management; and strengthening African leadership through practical solutions and networks. Kapelus and Moshoeshoe noted that AICC works with the private sector, governments, and NGOs. |