Indigenous girl and llama

From the Aichi Targets to the Post-2020 GBF: Expanding Global Partnerships to Recognize the Role of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities’ Territories and Areas (ICCAs) for Biodiversity Conservation and Human Well-being

14 December 2022 | Montreal, Canada


This side event considered hot to expand global partnerships to recognize the role of Indigenous Peoples and local communities’ territories and areas in conserving biodiversity while also promoting human well-being.

This side event, will review eight years of implementation of the ICCA Global Support Initiative, which is ​funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) and delivered through the UNDP-implemented GEF Small Grants Programme (SGP). It recognizes the crucial role of Indigenous Peoples and community conserved territories and areas (ICCAs) in contributing to the Aichi Targets and post-2020 global biodiversity framework.

The side event will review examples of multi-actor partnerships established between civil society networks, state parties and UN agencies, in support to ICCAs at the national and regional levels, together with integrated reporting frameworks for protected and conserved areas at the international level. will launch a new publication of consolidated results achieved under the ICCA Global Support Initiative during its first two phases of implementation from 2014-2022. 

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