The nearly USD 700 million Work Program approved focuses heavily on chemicals and waste at a time when the GEF hopes to prove to the multilateral community it has the capacity to serve as the financial mechanism for a global plastics treaty and that it could play a significant role in realizing the vision of the Global Framework on Chemicals.
Final report
Summary report 16–20 December 2024
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As the triple crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution poses an increasing threat of existential magnitude for humanity and the planet, adequate, catalytic financing to promote transformational change for sustainable development is considered more important than ever before. The role of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), a large multilateral environmental fund that acts as the financial mechanism of several critical environmental conventions, is critical. The GEF seeks to achieve its catalytic function by supporting country-driven sustainable development initiatives around the world, with the primary objective being to generate significant global environmental benefits.
The 68th meeting of the GEF’s chief governing body, the Council, had a packed agenda. It considered a new work program of the GEF Trust Fund under the GEF’s eighth replenishment cycle (GEF-8). The requested work program, covering climate, biodiversity, land degradation, international waters, and chemicals and waste focal areas, totals USD 564.3 million, and is expected to generate USD 4.15 billion in co-financing.
The Council also discussed three evaluations by the Independent Evaluation Office (IEO):
- GEF interventions in the Chemicals and Waste Focal Area;
- GEF programs in Pacific small island developing States (SIDS); and
- components of the GEF’s results-based management systems.
In addition, the Council focused on:
- initiating discussions on the ninth replenishment of resources (GEF-9) of the GEF Trust Fund;
- proposals for streamlining the GEF project cycle;
- a mid-term review of the option given to countries under GEF-8 to use their System for Transparent Allocation of Resources (STAR) allocations to further facilitate the mainstreaming of integrated programming principles; and
- an assessment of the strength of the GEF partnership across five dimensions: geographic coverage, thematic coverage, efficiency, effectiveness, and engagement.
The Council, the GEF’s main governing body, comprises 32 members appointed by constituencies of GEF member countries (14 from developed countries, 16 from developing countries, and two from economies in transition). Council members rotate at different intervals determined by each constituency. It meets twice annually to develop, adopt, and evaluate the operational policies and programs of the multilateral fund and the activities it finances around the world. It also reviews and approves the work program (projects submitted for approval), making decisions by consensus.
In addition, the Council meets as the Council for the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) and the Special Climate Change Funds (SCCF), and the Council for the Global Biodiversity Framework Fund (GBFF), the special fund created by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Conference of Parties to support implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF).
The 68th meeting of the GEF Council convened virtually from 16-20 December 2024.
The Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) writers for this meeting were Keith Ripley; Deborah Davenport, Ph.D.; and Tanya Rosen. The Digital Editor was Diego Noguera. The Editor was Leila Mead.
View past and future events
Past event
1st GEF Assembly
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2nd GEF Assembly
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3rd GEF Assembly
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4th GEF Assembly
Past event
40th Meeting of the GEF Council
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41st Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
42nd Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
43rd Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
44th Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
45th Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
46th Meeting of the GEF Council and 5th GEF Assembly
Past event
47th Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
48th Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
49th Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
50th Meeting of the GEF Council Meeting
Past event
51st Meeting of the GEF Council Meeting
Past event
52nd Meeting of the GEF Council Meeting
Past event
53rd Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
54th GEF Council Meeting and 6th GEF Assembly
Past event
55th Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
56th Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
57th Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
58th Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
59th Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
GEF Consultations with Civil Society
Past event
60th Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
GEF CSO Consultations on Youth-led Advocacy and Solutions
Past event
61st Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
GEF Consultation with Civil Society on Inclusive Microfinance
Past event
62nd Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
63rd Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
64th Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
7th GEF Assembly
Past event
65th Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
GEF Consultation with Civil Society on the Role of CSOs in Building Sustainable, Resilient, and Inclusive Cities
Past event
66th Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
GEF Consultation with Civil Society - Conversation on GEF initiatives and approaches to Civil Society
Past event
67th Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
68th Meeting of the GEF Council
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