From the Aichi Targets to the Post-2020 GBF: Expanding Global Partnerships to Recognize the Role of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities’ Territories and Areas (ICCAs) for Biodiversity Conservation and Human Well-being
This side event considered hot to expand global partnerships to recognize the role of Indigenous Peoples and local communities’ territories and areas in conserving biodiversity while also promoting human well-being.
Speakers highlighted China's role in biodiversity conservation and sustainable development and lauded recent conservation projects implemented by China
Action for Peace and Biodiversity
Experts explained how transboundary conservation areas can contribute to the implementation of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework, improve international relations and cooperation, while also contributing to peace.
ABS Around the World: The Brazilian Law Contrasted with International Legislations
This panel brought together representatives of the governments of Peru and Brazil to exchange experiences on the execution of their Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) legislation.
Forest Ecosystem Restoration – A Crucial Piece of the New Global Biodiversity Framework
The need to assess and (re)design restoration plans, link them to finance, and upscale implementation was the focus of a side event that explored the seven-year-old Forest Ecosystem Restoration Initiative.
Climate Action Through Nature: How Countries in Latin America and the Caribbean Are Including Nature-based Solutions in their Nationally Determined Contributions to Secure Biodiversity Benefits and Equity
This side event examined how the classification of nature-based solutions for climate action and experiences from partner countries can contribute toward successful implementation of the Paris Agreement on climate change and the post-2020 global biodiversity framework
The Role of the MDBs in Taking Forward the Global Biodiversity Framework: Following Up on the Joint MDB Nature Statement
This side event profiled key developments in defining and tracking nature positive investments, assessing nature-related risks, and approaches and opportunities for valuing nature in economic planning and decision-making.
Joint Efforts to Promote Biosafety Through Multi-Country Cooperation
Speakers from Mongolia, the Philippines, India, Bangladesh, Korea Institute for Promoting Asia Biosafety Cooperation, and UNEP shared how they are jointly strengthening the implementation of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
The Sustainable Ocean Initiative: Learning from the Past to Better Build Capacity to Achieve Global Ocean Goals into the Future
Attendees dove into impact stories from the Sustainable Ocean Initiative, discussions on the role of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework for ocean-related capacity building, and potential future directions for the programme.