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Panel participants waiting for the arrival of documents on Friday morning. | |
BOLIVIA commented on the fact that some countries have developped
national legislation on access before they have developped a "clear
national startegy".
INDIA noted that all countries are providers and users of generic
resources, and that they all need to develop access legislation
the paragraphs of the report relating to his group's work to Plenary. |
The Panel concluded that information
is critical in providing the necessary parity of bargaining power
for stakeholders in ABS arrangements, and thus more information
is needed regarding user institutions, the market for genetic resources,
non-monetary benefits, new and emerging mechanisms for benefit-sharing,
intermediaries, incentive measures, and sui generis systems. Participants
discussed the role of the GEF (left) in capacity building.
With regard to a conclusion suggesting that Parties without ABS legislation adopt voluntary measures and guidelines to provide legal certainty over ABS agreements, the US questioned how voluntary measures could provide legal certainty. | |
KENYA proposed suggesting that,
in the absence of full and clear ABS legislation, Parties adopt
voluntary measures to ensure that they meet the objectives of the
DENMARK emphasized the importance of legal certainty of MAT and opposed deleting the reference. | |
WRI remarked that while voluntary measures could not provide legal certainty, they could provide a step in the right direction. Delegates agreed to note the importance of legal certainty to MAT and accepted the suggestion made by Kenya. |
The Panel was forced to re-locate for its final
Plenary (below), since the meeting room was to host a gala event
that evening with the Costa Rican President in attendance. |
In his closing remarks, CBD
Executive Secretary Zedan (left) commended participants on their
constructive contributions and hard work throughout the meeting. He
said these efforts would be reflected in the final report to be submitted
to the CBD COP-5 and would guide the decision making of the COP. Co-Chair Medaglia (Costa Rica, right) congratulated the participants on their work and, on behalf of his government, thanked them for making the meeting a success. He drew the meeting to a close at 9:00 pm. Center: Co-Chair Girsberger (Switzerland). |
ENB coverage of the SBSTTA-4, Montreal |
ENB coverage of the BSWG-6, Cartagena |
ENB coverage of CBD COP-4, Bratislava |
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