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Coverage of Selected Side Events at the Tenth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 10) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)

Events convened on 21 October 2010 | Nagoya, Japan

CBD COP 10 - Side Events

(click on the following links to see our daily web pages)

Monday, 18 October | Tuesday, 19 October

Wednesday, 20 October | Thursday, 21 October

Friday, 22 October | Monday, 25 October

Tuesday, 26 October | Wednesday, 27 October

Thursday, 28 October
| Friday, 29 October

Recycling everything at COP10.

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IPBES: Status, Next Steps and Implications
for the Biodiversity Community

Presented by the Ministry of Environment of Japan; DIVERSITAS; International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change; International Council for Science; IUCN; and UNEP

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L-R: Anne Larigauderie, DIVERSITAS; Neville Ash, IUCN; Shoichi Kondo, Ministry of Environment of Japan; and Spencer Thomas, Chair of CBD SBSTTA.

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This event outlined the current status of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) as well as the importance and implications of establishing the IPBES for the biodiversity community.

Shoichi Kondo, Ministry of Environment of Japan, lamented that the 2010 biodiversity target has not been met and called for countries to adopt post-2010 targets. He stressed that science needs to be effectively integrated with policy to achieve any post-2010 targets if implemented. He said that while Japan welcomes the basic agreement on the IPBES, support for regional activities will be required once it is established.

Highlighting that no biodiversity-related science-policy interface mechanism exists, Anne Larigauderie, Executive Director, DIVERSITAS, noted that the scientific community strongly supports the IPBES. She stressed that the IPBES would need to be independent, transparent, and credible and should provide quality scientific information. She said that requests from governments and MEAs would guide the work of the IPBES. She outlined the scientific priorities that would benefit from the establishment of the IPBES, including improving observation databases, building models of biodiversity change, developing broader ranges of socioeconomic scenarios and strengthening the socioeconomic components of biodiversity.

Emphasizing the CBD Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical, and Technological Advice's (SBSTTA) support for the IPBES, Spencer Thomas, SBSTTA Chair, noted that the SBSTTA and the IPBES must be complementary. He stressed that the IPBES should be supportive of all existing institutions and ensure that its programme of work supports the SBSTTA and focuses on value-added areas.

Ibrahim Thiaw, UNEP, outlined the three IPBES consultation sessions that had taken place in Putrajaya, Malayasia, Nairobi, Kenya and Busan, Republic of Korea between 2008 and 2010. He lamented that environment ministers may not have fully learned of the outcomes of the consultations in Busan, but said that UNEP would continue to facilitate the process of establishing the IPBES.

In the ensuing discussion, participants noted that the IPBES was created to fill key areas that had been identified after a gap analysis was conducted. One participant highlighted the value of the IPBES as a source for the latest data. On traditional knowledge, participants noted that there is still a lot of work to do in integrating traditional knowledge with more formal forms of science.

Anne Larigauderie, DIVERSITAS, noted that the information priorities of the IPBES would be set by governments and MEAs and would serve all policy processes simultaneously.

Spencer Thomas, Chair of CBD SBSTTA

Neville Ash, IUCN




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Driving Innovation for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Asia and the Pacific

Presented by the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies
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L-R: Prabhjot Sodhi, GEF/UNDP Small Grants Programme; Masanori Kobayashi, IGES; Akio Morishima, IGES; Chee Yoke Ling, Third World Network; and Rodrigo Fuentes, Asean Centre for Biodiversity.

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This event explored means of supporting innovative policy measures and field actions for biodiversity conservation in the Asia-Pacific region. It also examined ways of scaling up such activities and connecting them to macro-policy development.

Akio Morishima, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), drew attention to the final report of the Asia-Pacific Forum for Environment and Development, “APFED II,” which was published in September 2010. He said the report summarizes policy dialogues and knowledge initiatives and showcases programmes that contribute to sustainable development in the region.

Prabhjot Sodhi, GEF/UNDP Small Grants Programme, described the Programme’s work in India. He explained that small grants had attracted co-financing, including from the government, such that the grants became more than “one-off” inputs of financing. Masanori Kobayashi, IGES, highlighted key factors for scaling up local success stories, including the need for external facilitators to help establish multistakeholder alliances between governments, the private sector, international agencies, research institutes and non-governmental organizations.

Lorenzo Daguitan, Tebtebba, described an initiative to develop an ecosystems-based approach to land-use management with an indigenous community in Ifugao province, the Philippines. Noting that traditional knowledge systems have been eroded, she said the project hopes to develop indicators of wellbeing within the indigenous population. Chee Yoke Ling, Third World Network, stressed the importance of a rights-based approach for preserving traditional knowledge systems. She suggested that trade policies imported from elsewhere pose the biggest threat to the holistic approaches to nature that exist in much of Asia and the Pacific.

Rodrigo Fuentes, Asean Centre for Biodiversity, stated that there are pockets of success in developing payment for ecosystem services systems in the region, adding that many exchanges are community- rather than market-based. He said local governments play an important role in scaling up community successes by acting as a link between communities and national governments. Fuentes described how Malaysia’s Ministry of Environment has provided guidance for local and national planners on how they can mainstream biodiversity into their activities.

Participants discussed, inter alia, the role of governments in helping a wide variety of stakeholders engage in policy and the difficulty of sustaining local success stories over time.

Prabhjot Sodhi, GEF/UNDP Small Grants Programme

Drawing lessons from field activities across the region, Masanori Kobayashi, IGES, emphasized the importance of linking biodiversity with income generation.

Chee Yoke Ling, Third World Network



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Emergency Oceans Rescue Plan:
Implementing the Roadmap to Recovery

Presented by Greenpeace International

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L-R: Richard Page, Greenpeace International; Wakao Hanaoka, Greenpeace, Japan; Sam Leiva, Greenpeace, Chile; and Sophia Tsenikli, Greenpeace, Greece.

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This event highlighted the top 10 reasons for the creation of a global network of marine reserves.

Noting that the oceans are in crisis and that less than 1% of the word’s oceans are fully protected, Richard Page, Greenpeace International, explained that the report, “Emergency Oceans Rescue Plan: Implementing the Marine Reserves Roadmap to Recovery” focuses on priority areas within country exclusive economic zones (EEZs) and in the high seas where immediate action should be taken to create networks of marine reserves.

He then outlined the top 10 reasons for the creation of a worldwide network of marine reserves, noting that it would: help the oceans withstand the impacts of climate change; benefit science; buffer declining tuna stocks; improve quality of human life around the globe; have fiscal benefits; fulfill CBD members’ pledge to establish such a network by 2012; and ensure a bountiful ocean for the future. He also emphasized that creating this network is possible.

Noting that the Japanese consume 25% of the world’s tuna and 80% of bluefin tuna, Wakao Hanaoka, Greenpeace, Japan, discussed, inter alia, the declining stocks of Pacific bluefin tuna in the Sea of Japan and bigeye and yellowfin tuna in the Pacific. He highlighted a map of the West and Central Pacific high seas areas that are candidate sites for marine reserves to reduce the mortality of declining tuna species and restrict illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing.

Sam Leiva, Greenpeace, Chile, shared his experience of working with local fisherman towards the goal of closing 40% of the EEZ to fishing. He underscored the importance of involving local communities in developing these concepts.

Sophia Tsenikli, Greenpeace, Greece, urged COP-10 to establish a list of ecologically and biologically sensitive areas and support the target of ending destructive fishing practices and ensuring that all fisheries are managed sustainably by 2020.

Participants discussed: involving local fishing communities when creating marine reserves; accessing the correct data for pinpointing the right location for reserves; and the ease and difficulties and criteria and methodology for creating reserves.

Wakao Hanaoka, Greenpeace, Japan

Sophia Tsenikli, Greenpeace, Greece, said that if 20-30% of oceans are protected, US$70-80 billion can be recovered from restored fisheries catch.


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Mountain Biological Diversity: Meeting the Challenges of Enhanced Implementation of the Programme of Work

Presented by the Mountain Partnership
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L-R: Willy Geiger, Swiss Federal Office for the Environment; Douglas McGuire, Mountain Partnership Secretariat; Alfredo Guillet, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Italy; Karma Nyedrup, Joint Director, National Environment Commission, Bhutan; and Eduard Muller, University of International Cooperation, Costa Rica.

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This event explored how to facilitate more effective implementation of the Programme of Work on Mountain Biological Diversity.

Douglas McGuire, Mountain Partnership Secretariat, noted that the Partnership was established at the World Summit of Sustainable Development held in 2002 to collaborate more closely with all sustainable mountain development sectors.

On the publication “Mountain Biodiversity and Global Change,” Willy Geiger, Swiss Federal Office for the Environment, noted that it was produced to highlight the role and importance of mountain biodiversity and sensitize readers to these issues.

Saying that significant efforts must be made to ensure implementation of policies and plans for mountain biodiversity preservation, Alfredo Guillet, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Italy, said projects and capacity-building initiatives must be integrated at the local level for there to be long-term success.

Eduard Muller, University of International Cooperation, Costa Rica, highlighted regional collaboration efforts for transboundary biodiversity conservation in South America, but lamented that these have yet to be implemented. He stressed the importance of local knowledge, calling for it to be coupled with conventional science.

Karma Nyedrup, Joint Director, National Environment Commission, Bhutan, outlined his country’s environmental policies, including guidelines for mainstreaming environment into policy. He noted that conservation has been central to their culture, and that there are a number of protected areas in the country with corridors that connect them.

On financial mechanisms for supporting biodiversity conservation, Jose Yunis, The Nature Conservancy, noted that endowments or trust funds can be established to effect behavioral changes in areas where biodiversity is being harmed.

Noting that many members identified the need for additional capacity building, Rosalaura Romea, Mountain Partnership, noted the establishment of the International Programme for Research and Training for Sustainable Development in Mountain Areas. She said that it was established in conjunction with the University of Turin, and convenes under a new theme each year, such as climate change, mountain economies and protecting mountain biodiversity.

Participants discussed financing mechanisms, including GEF funding for biodiversity protection; and the difficulty of establishing successful transboundary initiatives.

Eduard Muller, University of International Cooperation, Costa Rica

Douglas McGuire, Mountain Partnership Secretariat

Karma Nyedrup, Joint Director, National Environment Commission, Bhutan



More Information:

Douglas McGuire (Chair) <>
Willy Geiger <>
Alfredo Guillet <>
Karma Nyedrup <>
Rosalaura Romea <>


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Protected Areas for the 21st Century:
Lessons from UNDP/GEF’s Portfolio

Presented by GEF, the CBD and UNDP
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L-R: Sem Shikongo, Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Namibia; Ahmad Djoghlaf, CBD Executive Secretary; Milena Kapa, Mininstry for Spatial Planning and Environment, Montenegro; Yannick Glemarec, Executive Coordinator, UNDP/GEF; Mark Zimsky, GEF; Adriana Dinu, UNDP; and Nik Sekhran, UNDP.

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This event was held to launch the publication “Protected Areas for the 21st Century: Lessons from UNDP/GEF’s Portfolio.”

Nik Sekhran, UNDP, explained that UNDP works with protected areas because of their important contribution to development. He said the goal of the publication is to provide guidance on how to design, manage and finance protected areas in a way that meets new global challenges.

Mark Zimsky, GEF, highlighted that GEF has invested US$1.89 billion in creating and managing protected areas and has played a catalytic role in bringing 10% of the world’s terrestrial areas under protection. He outlined two future focuses for GEF, namely to improve the sustainability of protected areas and mainstream biodiversity into the wider landscape.

Ahmed Djoghlaf, CBD Executive Secretary, thanked GEF and UNDP for their programme to provide targeted financial assistance for the CBD Programme of Work on Protected Areas.

Yannick Glemarec, Executive Coordinator, UNDP/GEF, said UNDP/GEF has supported 778 protected areas in 55 countries over the past six years. He provided examples to demonstrate the benefits of creating protected areas, including that the carbon storage potential of land in protected areas in Tanzania is up to 155 tons/ha, compared to 80 tons/ha in unprotected lands.

Sem Shikongo, Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Namibia, presented on the implications of climate change on Namibia’s protected area system. He also discussed challenges to expanding protected areas, which often border private farmland. He described methods to link parks and protected areas to communal area conservancies, with appropriate compensation for farmers.

Noting that Montenegro is a biodiversity hotspot in Europe, Milena Kapa, Ministry for Spatial Planning and Environment, Montenegro, described weaknesses in her country’s protected areas system and efforts to overcome them, including: establishing the country’s first two regional parks; constructing a geographic information system platform to improve decision making for design and management of protected areas; and establishing a learning platform for protected areas managers.

Adriana Dinu, UNDP, highlighted that protected areas are increasingly expected not only to provide biodiversity conservation benefits but also ecosystem services, livelihood benefits and climate change adaptation and mitigation opportunities. She said the UNDP/GEF/CBD publication provides recommendations to manage synergies and trade-offs between these benefits, including to: apply the precautionary principle; be explicit and transparent about trade-offs and synergies; develop resilience-based thresholds; develop management triggers and safeguards; and focus on areas with the greatest synergies and least trade-offs.

Participants discussed: the need for data to demonstrate links between improved finance and the effectiveness of protected areas; and the role of good governance in ensuring that poor people benefit from protected areas.

Adriana Dinu, UNDP

Nik Sekhran, UNDP, stressed that maximizing the potential benefits of protected areas requires demonstrating their linkages to the development agenda.

Mark Zimsky, GEF, explained that in moving from a site to a systems approach for biodiversity conservation, GEF-5 aims to increase representativity of the most important ecosystems and species.



Related Links
CBD resources
*CBD website
*CBD COP 10 side event website
*CBD COP 10 website

IISD RS resources
*IISD RS coverage of CBD COP 9, 19-30 May 2008, Bonn, Germany
*IISD RS coverage of Selected Side Events at CBD COP 9, 19-30 May 2008, Bonn, Germany
*IISD RS coverage of CBD COP 8, 20-31 March 2006, Curitiba, Brazil
*IISD RS coverage of Selected Side Events at CBD COP 8, 20-31 March 2006, Curitiba, Brazil
*IISD RS biodiversity and wildlife page
*Biodiversity-L - A mailing list for news on biodiversity and wildlife policy
*SIDS Policy and Practice - A Knowledgebase on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States
*Linkages Update - Bi-weekly international environment and sustainable development news
*MEA Bulletin - Newsletter on key MEAs and their secretariats
*Climate Change Policy & Practice - News and information on the actions of international organizations in responding to the problem of global climate change
*African Regional Coverage
*Latin America and Caribbean Regional Coverage
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