ARGENTINA urged ICCP-1 to facilitate the initiation of activities
to implement the Protocol
Maria Esther Bondanza, Director
General of Environment, signed the Protocol for ARGENTINA.
AUSTRIA underscored the importance of international cooperation
address global environmental issues and the value of the Cairo Guidelines
on Biosafety.
CAMEROON highlighted national efforts and assistance in creating
regional biosafety databases, training for risk assessment and management,
and developing an action plan for implementing national biosafety
Veit Koester, former
Chair of the Biosafety Working Group, signs the Protocol for Denmark.
ETHIOPIA said the winds of change from Seattle empowered developing
countries to reach an agreeable outcome in Montreal.
Tewolde Berhan G. Egziabher, spokesperson
for the Africa Group and chief negotiator for the Like-Minded Group
during the Biosafety Group, signs on behalf of the Government of
The EUROPEAN COMMUNITY stressed that countries must work
together to establish the Biosafety CHM and clarify decision-making
FINLAND announced its contribution to the GEF to promote the
Protocol's ratification.
FINLAND was signed onto the Protocol
by Carl Arne Hartman, Finnish Ambassador to Kenya.
Jacques Depaigne, Ambassador
of France to Kenya, signed the Protocol for FRANCE. |
GERMANY was signed
on by Jürgen Weerth, German Ambassador to Kenya.
INDONESIA supported the ICCP's work programme as well as the
Biosafety CHM
INDONESIA was signed on by Ambassador
Isslamet Poernomo.
MALAWI requested capacity-building for scientific and technical
to identify LMOs, public awareness on handling and use of LMOs,
and information sharing.
Dato Law Hieng Ding,
Minister of Science, Technology and Environment, signed the Cartagena
Protocol for MALAYSIA.
Julia Carabias Lillo, Secretary
of State for the Environment, Natural Resources and Fisheries, signed
on behalf of MEXICO. |
J. Pronk, Minister
for Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment, signed on behalf
NEW ZEALAND was signed
onto the Biosafety Protocol by Cecil Wilbur Dovey, Deputy Director,
Environment Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Ime Okopido, Minister
of State for the Environment, adds Nigeria to the list of signatories.
NORWAY highly welcomed the Protocol and said an additional biosafety-related
process within the WTO is unnecessary.
Peter Schei, International Negotiations
Director for the Norwegian Government and Chair of Working Group
1 at COP-5, signs on behalf of Norway.
Beat Nobs, Ambassador
to the UN, signs the Protocol for Switzerland
ZAMBIA stated that the Protocol signifies the CBD's level of
maturity and stressed the need for sub-regional and regional approaches.
ZIMBABWE supported use of adaptive management, incorporating
traditional knowledge and systems.
The following 65 Parties
signed the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety: Antigua and Barbuda,
Argentina, Austria, the Bahamas, Bangladesh, Belgium, Benin, Bolivia,
Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, Colombia,
Costa Rica, Cuba, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, El Salvador,
Ethiopia, European Community, Finland, France, the Gambia, Germany,
Greece, Grenada, Guinea, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland,
Italy, Kenya, Lithuania, Malaysia, Malawi, Mexico, Monaco, Mozambique,
Namibia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Peru,
the Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Rwanda, Samoa, Slovak Republic,
Slovenia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Togo, Turkey, Uganda,
the United Kingdom and Venezuela.
On Thursday and Friday, Algeria, Morocco and Nicaragua signed
the Protocol, bringing the total to 68.
CANADA underscored the Protocol's place in a global, sustainable
development architecture and its national consultations on the Protocol
with all relevant sectors and provinces.
The US highlighted its interest in contributing financially
and technically to the meeting of technical experts on the Biosafety
AUSTRALIA said nothing in the Protocol should prevent countries
from implementing their obligations under the WTO.
Wangari Mathai, of the Kenya Greenbelt Movement and Diverse Women
for Diversity, speaking
for NGOs, called for a ban on Genetic Use Restriction Technologies
(GURTS) and GMOs in food aid, stressed that CBD objectives should
not be undermined by TRIPs and said the FAO International Undertaking
should be a Protocol to the CBD. |
Thomas Jacob, Manager of International and Industry Affairs Dupont,
spoke on behalf of the The
GLOBAL INDUSTRY COALITION. He underscored that decisions should
be based on sound scientific knowledge, and that rights and obligations
under other agreements should be respected.
Miscellaneous: Testaverde
and the "Protocol bears"
During the Vienna Informal Roundtable
Consultations in September 1999, Juan Mayr (Colombia), President
of the Biosafety Ex-COP, creatively used coloured balls chosen at
random from a bag to determine the sequence of speakers. In Montreal
this January, Mayr was unable to find such balls, resorting
instead to a colorful set of teddy bears, and subsequently each
bear was given a name. The negotiator who drew the green Protocol
bear, called Testaverde, was the first to speak. At the end of the
negotiations, Testaverde was given to the representative of the
European Community. In these pictures, we can see various members
of the EC who brought the bear with them into the room where they
signed the protocol.
Side event: Implementing
the CBD at the Country Level
Shepherd, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
International Policy Unit [gshepherd@wwfnet.org,
center], facilitated a workshop on the WWF-DANIDA project to
promote the effective implementation of the CBD to achieve its objectives
in the Cameroon, Colombia, Cote d'Ivoire, India, Kenya, Malaysia,
Mexico and the South Pacific.
Tamale, WWF-DANIDA CBD Project coordinator [eTamale@wwfint.org,
photo on the left] said that Phase I of this project aimed to
increase CBD awareness and popular support, involve civil society
in national and international CBD processes and provide technical
assistance to governments through technical workshops, policy advice
and guidance on a number of themes. Priority issues of concern were
the development of national biodiversity strategy and action plans,
national reports to the CBD, access and benefit sharing legislation,
incentive measures for biodiversity conservation, manage protected
areas and implement Article 8(j) on traditional knowledge. Phase
II will include Brazil and China and the following priority issues:
the ecosystem approach; biosafety; synergies among biodiversity-related
conventions; in situ conservation (protected areas and the monitoring
and assessment of biodiversity indicators); sustainable use of biodiversity
[private sector involvement, sustainable tourism, incentives and
root causes of biodiversity loss]; and how to mainstream biodiversity
into sectoral policies.
Lisinge Fotabong, WWF Cameroon [elisinge@wwf.net.org,
photo on the right], gave an overview of pilot work on protected
area policy and guidelines for accessing genetic resources in parks
in Cameroon.
A representative of WWF Mexico discussed
their pilot efforts to promote Forest Stewerdship Council certification
of sustainable forest management and sustainable tourism alternatives
in protected areas and forests of Oaxaca, Mexico. WWF has also facilitated
work on biosafety and access and benefit sharing legislation with
a coalition of NGOs working on the CBD.
Alexander Shestakov, Environmental
Law Programme Coordinator at WWF Russia,
[ashestakov@wwf.ru, photo
on the left], shown here on the left with Siberian pines. He
discussed the WWF International's Global 2000 Ecoregion approach
and described WWF work with local and regional governments and indigenous
peoples on the sustainable use of non-timber forest products and
certification of sustainable forestry in the Alta Sayan ecoregion
of Southern Siberia, which straddles Mongolia, China, Kazakhstan
and Russia. For more information on the Alta-Saya Initiativee and
to contribute to the restoration of Altai forests stripes recently
burned down in forest fires, contact [russia@wwf.ru].
Side event: Cultural and
Biological Diversity: The Missing Link
Kamuaro Ololtisatti, Maasai Environment Resource Coalition (MERC)
seated in the photo on the left], facilitated a joint round-table
discussion with members of Cooperativa Tecnico Scientifica di Base
(COBASE) on the missing links between biological and cultural diversity.
Speakers included Jonathan Kamomon,
Loita Forest Project [standing]; Anna Borioni and Massimo
Pieri of COBASE Italy [photo below, left and middle]; and
Stephan Schienier, College of Indigenous Australian Peoples; Terry
Williams, The Tulalip Tribes, USA [far right]; Krystina Bishop,
First Nations Development Institute of Canada; and Kalimba Zephyrin,
Batwa Rwanda-Burundi. Discussion
focused on: COBASE's Resolution of Rome: Guidelines for the Protection
of Cultural Diversity as a first step towards a convention to protect
cultural diversity and promote the equality of Western science and
indigenous knowledge; how biodiversity can only be protected if
cultural diversity is also protected; the need for the repatriation
and education of indigenous knowledge concerning ecosystems; the
need to recognize the privacy of indigenous peoples; the fact that
certain African countries do not accept the concept of indigenous
peoples; and the provision for the right to culture in the Human
Rights convention.
COBASE will be organizing a workshop,
The Sustainability of Taste: Food in the Life Circle, to
debate Rome Resolutions from 24-26 September 2000 in Rome,
Campidoglio, Sala della Promoteca. The workshop will focus on the
linkages between biodiversity conservation and sustainable use,
food culture and health and consider ways to improve and promote
the Rome Guidelines. For more information, contact COBASE at [cobase@micanet.it].
Side event: UNEP/GEF Enabling
Activities for Biosafety
A panel discussion on the UNEP/GEF Pilot Biosafety Enabling Activity
Project reviewed the outcome of this pilot project and discussed
capacity-building options for the development and implementation
of national biosafety frameworks. Panelists included Mohammed. El
Ashry, Chief Executive Officer of GEF, other members of the GEF
Secretariat and the UNEP Biosafety Project Task Force. Representatives
of the Pilot Project's national focal points from Namibia, Bolivia,
Bulgaria and China, also gave brief overviews of their experience
gained through regional workshops.
Martha Candawa-Schulz, Namibia, said
three regional workshops were held on national biosafety frameworks,
the safe use of biotechnology and ways to implement national biosafety
frameworks. She said the workshops improved public awareness, international
collaboration and networking within and between institutions. For
further information and future GEF activities in the area of Biosafety,
contact Nalini Sharma, UNEP Division of Environmental Conventions
With budgetary discussions ongoing,
rumors circulated among the breezeways about financing, and more
specifically, the location of the CBD Secretariat and its agreement
with the host country. Some noted probes by a Party heavily invested
in other environmental secretariats, and some expect the issue
to be raised at the next COP.
Right: at the UN compound
at Gigiri, buildings are not separated
by closed corridors, instead they are linked by open breezeways.