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at MYPOW-2010

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17 March 

18 March 

19 March 


Open-ended Inter-sessional Meeting on the Multi-Year Programme of Work up to 2010 of the Conference of the Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity  
17 - 20 March 2003 | Montreal, Canada


Daily Web Coverage |Mon 17| |Tue 18| |Wed 19| |Th|Thu 20|u 20|

Highlights for
Tuesday, 18 March 2003

Delegates convened in two working groups throughout the day. Working Group I (WG-I) considered modalities for an international regime on access and benefit-sharing (ABS), legal and socioeconomic aspects of technology transfer and cooperation, and the CBD contribution to the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) and the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) process. Working Group II (WG-II) addressed the multi-year programme of work for the Conference of the Parties (COP) up to 2010 (MYPOW-2010), and the Strategic Plan. A brief Plenary session was held in the afternoon to review progress. A Friends of the Chair group met in the evening to further discussions on MYPOW-2010, and informal consultations were held on ABS. Above photo: Chair Desh Deepak Verma (India) called an informal consultation on ABS with delegates from WG I.


Working Group I:


EL SALVADOR said it should recognize sovereign rights over natural resources, and the right to adopt relevant national legislation.

INDIA (left)  stressed that conflicts with intellectual property rights (IPR) and the WTO Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) impact on national action for benefit-sharing.

TURKEY said the regime should address ex situ genetic resources, interlinkages with technology transfer, and consistency with relevant international instruments.


The US (far right) stressed mutual supportiveness between the CBD and relevant organizations, and a stepwise approach to identify gaps in implementation of the Bonn Guidelines.

The UNITED NATIONS UNIVERSITY stressed lack of information on measures adopted by user countries.


ANZANIA stressed substantial increase of development assistance.

SWITZERLAND opposed the GEF (right) providing funds, and suggested restructuring the recommendations using a stepwise approach.

GREECE, on behalf of the EU, highlighted the need for: a broader scope and definition of technology transfer; financial and non-financial support to recipient countries; and facilitation
of access to patents, including through the CHM.

SPAIN highlighted patents as a means of information on technology.


The NETHERLANDS stressed the need for a monitoring process and for continuing participation of the CBD Executive Secretary in the CSD. 

Working Group I I:


BANGLADESH proposed that climate change be considered at COP-8, rather than COP-10.

BRAZIL suggested reviewing invasive alien species at COP-10.

The EU proposed addressing biodiversity, poverty, and human health in a ministerial session. Left photo: EU coordination inside the plenary.

CANADIAN INDIGENOUS BIODIVERSITY NETWORK said indigenous and local communities should be involved at all levels of decision making and their interests be taken into account within all agenda items.

CHINA suggested dividing COP's issues into comprehensive and specialized issues, and suggested addressing environmental impact assessment at COP-7 or COP-8, while deleting climate change from the COP-10 agenda. 


THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION requested reference to countries with economies in transition, and the MALDIVES to small island developing states in text on national reporting.

JAMAICA highlighted promotion of stakeholders' involvement.

NORWAY said that a small liaison group could help developing and meeting targets for implementation, with UNEP providing support mechanisms for implementation.


WG -I Chair Verma reported on progress in WG-I deliberations, highlighting preparations of a conference room paper (CRP) on ABS and Chair's text on technology transfer.

WG-II Chair Beltram reported that WG-II had considered a Chair's summary on the Strategic Plan and that a Friends of the Chair group was scheduled to meet in the evening to further discuss MYPOW-2010.

CBD Reception:



ENB Summary of  CBD SBSTTA-7 ( HTML or PDF )

CBD Secretariat web site with official documents 

ENB's Introduction to CBD



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