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Fourth Meeting of the Subsidiary
Body for Scientific, Technical, and Technological Advice (SBSTTA-4) |
Working Group I | |
Harold Mooney, on behalf
of the Global Invasive Species Programme (GISP), opened the discussion
with a presentation on the GISP's activities. He discussed the situation
in the Galapagos Islands to illustrate ecological problems and control
costs of invasive species and stressed the importance of capacity-building.
Delegates then considered the Executive Secretary's paper on developing
principles for the prevention of impacts of alien species and further
development of the GISP (UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/4/8). RealAudio excerpts from Dr. Mooney's presentation |
FRANCE supported using the precautionary principle on the issue of transboundary control. | |
NEW ZEALAND recommended asking the GISP to develop principles for COP-5's consideration. | |
Christian Samper, Chair-elect of SBSTTA-5, on behalf of Colombia, spoke on the development of a database on alien species control and prevention startegies and its inclusion in the CBD's Clearing House Mechanism. | |
IUCN drew attention to its guidelines for reducing biological loss due to the invasion of alien species, which will be finalized next year. | |
Working Group II | |
Dr. Richard Jefferson, Chair of the Center for the Application of Molecular Biology to International Agriculture (CAMBIA), gave a presentation on the genetic use of restriction technologies (GURTs), including both variety-level V-GURTs and trait-specific T-GURTs. He suggested that commercially viable V-GURTs could have some merit in decreasing the frequency of transgene spreading, but outstanding issues remain, such as: toxicity of inducing compounds and cellular toxins; environmental spreading of V-GURT traits; and patents as a means of control of V-GURTs. He noted that GURT technology will not be commercially available for 5 years. Complete RealAudio of Dr. Jefferson's presentation:
Acting Executive Secretary's Reception | |
Hamdallah Zedan, Acting Executive Secretary of CBD, hosted a cocktail reception for SBSTTA participants. | |
Zedan is pictured here with John Ashe (Antigua and Barbuda, left) and Philemon Yang (Cameroon, right) |