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Fifth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade (PIC COP5)
20-24 June 2011 | Geneva, Switzerland
Highlights for Monday, 20 June 2011
The fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP5) to the Rotterdam Convention opened in Geneva, Switzerland on Monday, 20 June 2011.
Delegates heard opening addresses from Noluzuko (Zukie) Gwayi (South Africa), Jim Willis, Joint Executive Secretary of the Basel and Stockholm conventions and UNEP-part of the Rotterdam Convention, and Peter Kenmore, Co-Executive Secretary of the Rotterdam Convention. Bakary Kante, on behalf of Achim Steiner, Executive Director of UNEP, also addressed delegates.
Delegates then addressed organizational matters, made opening statements, and initiated consideration of matters related to budget. A contact group chaired by Kirsten Stendhal (Finland) was established to continue discussion on this matter.
During the afternoon plenary, delegates considered matters related to the implementation of the Convention, including: status of implementation, technical assistance and financial resources. Delegates referred further consideration on technical assistance to the budget contact group.
Indonesia and Switzerland presented the proposal developed with their Country-Led Initiative to improve the effectiveness of the Basel Convention. It takes the form of a carefully balanced draft omnibus decision and will be one of the key issues to be discussed at the COP10 of the Basel Convention in Cartagena de Indias, in October 2011 (http://www.basel.int/convention/cli/index.html).
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