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Events convened on Thursday 16 November 2000 |
Developing a renewable electricity package for domestic consumers presented by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) with Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE)
One of the United Kingdom's leading environmental NGOs, the RSPB, presented details of their green energy product, RSPB Energy. Electricity consumers in Britain can now switch their supply, at no extra cost, to RSPB Energy. In doing so the consumer can support renewable energy sources and generate financial contributions to the wildlife protection work undertaken by the NGO. The win-win-win scheme provides green electricity to consumers, supports the work of the NGO, contributes to a sustainable environment and provides access to a niche market for the partner utility. More information: |
ClimateTech Exhibition The ClimateTech 2000 Pavilion opened with a welcome from Thomas Becker, the newly elected chair of the Climate Technology Initiative (CTI). The Pavilion houses exhibits featuring cutting-edge, climate-friendly technologies and provides a venue for expert presentations on themes such as sustainable transport and renewable energy technologies.More information: |
Capacity-building under the FCCC and sustainable development: Zeinab Farhaly Mohamed, Egypt, outlined the ongoing mitigation and adaptation activities in her country. Activities have focused on establishing a permanent GHG inventory, developing renewable energy technologies, building capacity, publishing an Arabic newsletter on climate change, and setting up a inter-ministerial national committee to coordinate climate change policy. Sailinalo Pati Liu, Samoa, noted that Samoa's goal is to establish a network of experts, for example, through cooperation with national universities. Key to broadening the understanding of climate change is the translation of international and regional activities into concrete local actions that people can understand and respond to. Martha Yvette de Aguilar, El Salvador, noted that much progress has been made in establishing GHG inventories in the energy sector, but much work remains to be done in other sectors. Challenges include: permanent funding for experts, training in good practices for the LULUCF sector, and establishing mitigation programmes. Siman Saeed, Republic of Maldives, reported that national climate change strategies have focused on widening the use of solar energy and securing water supplies. Discussion: The discussion focused on the different needs for capacity building in mitigation and adaptation programmes, how engineers can adapt to new technologies, and the importance of sharing information. More information: |
Global natural gas perspectives and technology transfer presented by the International Gas Union (IGU) Peter Storm, IGU, welcomed participants to this discussion on the role of natural gas in the 21st century and on technology transfer. He underscored the industry's confidence in the role of natural gas in reducing CO2 emissions. Nebojsa Nakicenovic, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), explained that the gas sector is facing a challenge to reduce poverty while providing clean energy services. He advocated natural gas as a clean alternative, which is abundant and competitive in terms of capital investments. A limiting factor might be the sector's ability to ensure the timely development of required technology. He highlighted photovoltaics, fuel cells, mini and micro CO2 cycle turbines, steam-reforming processes for natural gas, clathrates and other CO2 storage systems. He also looked towards the technological possibilities for hydrogen use although this is not yet considered cost-effective. He concluded that the increasing demand for natural gas requires an improvement in transport and supply infrastructure, and suggested considering environmentally sustainable energy delivery technologies. Mary Rounding, Canadian Gas Association (CGA), noted that future challenges involve finding ways to translate the "promise" of natural gas into practice. She acknowledged that changes will not happen overnight and called on negotiators to adopt a framework that ensures certainty, low transaction costs, incentives for the development of new technologies, cost-effectiveness and flexibility in the design of market mechanisms. Discussion: Participants raised issues such as pollutants from new technologies; the overall impact of the Kyoto Protocol on future gas demand; and the opportunities for including new technologies under the CDM. More information: |
The Climate Change Knowledge Network's climate change negotiators' project
Christiana Figueres, Center for Sustainable Development of the Americas, CSDA, welcomed the book as an excellent source of up-to-date information on the FCCC negotiation process. Joyeeta Gupta, Institute for Environmental Studies, IVM Amsterdam, explained that the project had developed in response to a request for assistance from African negotiators. She also explained that developing countries are sometimes hindered in the process of forming a common negotiating position by the "hollow mandate" they bring to the process. She described lessons from the workshops and suggested that new challenges include harnessing the specific skills and abilities that developing countries bring to the process. Mamadou Honadia, Burkina Faso, suggested that a big challenge for African negotiators' lies in the challenge of creating arrangements for the regular participation of country delegates. In terms of capacity building, he highlighted the need to invest in the training of trainers. Youba Sokona, ENDA Senegal, commented on the success of the workshops, and Angela Churie, the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, provided suggestions for the future, including the institutionalizion of the workshops as regional programmes. More information: |
Fossil fuels in a changing climate: impact of the
Kyoto Protocol and developing country participation More information: |
Contraction and convergence presented by Counterpart Europe, GLOBE, Centre for Science and Environment, Delhi, Climate Action Network Africa, and the Global Commons Institute
Tom Spencer, Counterpart Europe, moderated a panel discussion on equity and the Kyoto Protocol. Ilona Graenitz, GLOBE Europe, called for public involvement in the climate change debate. More information: |
The Kyoto Protocol: a needs assessment presented by Counterpart Europe, GLOBE, Centre for Science and Environment, Delhi, Climate Action Network Africa, and the Global Commons Institute Janos Pasztor, FCCC, introduced participants to the report, A country-driven assessment of capacity-building needs related to climate change and the Kyoto Protocol in developing countries. Jukka Uosukainen, delegation of Finland, highlighted the working groups' progress on capacity building. Papa Cham, ENDA, Senegal, outlined the elements of the project and commended the survey work of Annie Roncerel. Youba Sokona, ENDA, explained that the assessment aims to identify principal needs and country-specific criteria for capacity building. He stated that a key component of the assessment is the establishment of specific techniques or technologies to help advance national priorities while simultaneously reducing GHG emissions. Ogunlade Davidson, University of Cape Town, South Africa, noted that the CDM is a priority for the African region and highlighted the need for capacity building workshops directed at policy makers and researchers. Thomas Black-Arbelaez, Andean Institute, Colombia, noted that capacity building initiatives in Latin America should reflect the different needs within the region. Luiz Pinguelli, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, suggested comparing priorities and needs across regions, noting differences in areas such as forests. Abdel Aziz Weshah, Al Shamil Engineering, Jordan, noted limited awareness of climate change issues in the Middle East. Mohan Munasinghe, LIFE, Sri Lanka, highlighted the need to explore synergies with other Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs). Concluding, Saleemul Huq, Centre for Advanced Studies, Bangladesh, said that there is a need to compare commonalities and levels of development across regions, commit national and international resources to capacity building, enhance south-south cooperation and share information on the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol. More information: |
Options for implementing Article 3.4 (Kyoto Protocol): an economic and environmental analysis of policy options for US agriculture presented by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and Environmental Defense (ED) Panelists presented economic and environmental analyses of policy options for US agriculture. Paul Faeth, WRI, presented the report, A climate and environmental strategy for US agriculture, which disputes findings in studies suggesting that American farmers will suffer dire economic consequences if the US ratifies the Kyoto Protocol. He argued that the magnitude of price changes expected under the Kyoto Protocol would reduce net cash returns by less than one percent because energy costs are a small share of production expenses. He predicted that, with the right policy setting, net cash returns could be positive. More Information: |
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