Daily report for 24 November 2022

19th Meeting of the CITES Conference of the Parties (CITES CoP19)

Delegates reconvened in Plenary to adopt all the agenda items considered by Committee I and II.


CITES Chair Milciades Concepción opened by thanking delegates for the productive work they had accomplished “for the good of planet Earth.”

Strategic Matters: Committee reports and recommendations: Standing Committee: Report of the Chair: The SC Chair introduced CoP19 Doc.9.1.1.

The CoP adopted the document with an amendment from the US.

Animals Committee: Report of the Chair: The AC Chair introduced CoP19 Doc.9.2.1.

The CoP adopted the report with minor amendments from ISRAEL.

Plants Committee: Report of the Chair: GABON introduced CoP19 Doc.9.3.1.

The CoP adopted the report.

United Nations World Wildlife Day: The Secretariat introduced CoP19 Doc.18, noting that next year’s celebrations will also mark 50 years of CITES.

The CoP noted the document.

Administrative and financial matters: Administration of the Secretariat: The CoP noted CoP19 Doc.7.1.

Report of the Executive Director of UNEP on administrative and other matters: The CoP noted CoP19 Doc.7.2.

Financial reports for 2020-2022: The CoP noted CoP19 Doc.7.3.

Budget and work programme for 2023 to 2025: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.19.7.4 as amended in CoP19 Com.II.14.

Access to funding: The Secretariat introduced CoP19 Doc.19.7.5 on access to funding and recommended deleting paragraphs 18.5 to 18.11 in the document.

The COP adopted the document with those deletions. 

Sponsored Delegates Project: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.7.6.

CITES Strategic Vision: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.10 and its addendum, and indicators in CoP19 Com.II.2.

Appendix-I listed species: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.11, as amended.

World Wildlife Trade Report: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.12 as amended by CoP19 Com.II.1

Engagement of Indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs): The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.13, including a new draft decision, with the exception of the text “and international” in paragraph A, after a vote, with 30 parties in favor, 48 against, and 14 abstaining.

Livelihoods: The CoP agreed to revised decisions in CoP19 Doc.14, with a further amendment.

Participatory mechanisms for rural communities in CITES: The CoP agreed that proponents of CoP19 Doc.15 (Rev.1) could refer the matters raised in the document to an inter-sessional working group to be established by the SC under agenda item 13, on engagement of IPLCs.

Capacity building: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.16 as amended.

Cooperation with other biodiversity-related conventions: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.17.1.

Cooperation with the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.17.2 as amended.

Cooperation with the IPBES: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.17.3.

Joint CITES-CMS African Carnivores Initiative: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.17.4.

CITES and Forests: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.19 as amended in CoP19 Com.II.11.

CITES Tree Species programme: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.20.

Review of the ETIS programme: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.21.

MIKE and ETIS programmes: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.22.

Role of CITES in reducing risk of future zoonotic disease emergence associated with international wildlife trade: Report of the Standing Committee and One Health and CITES: Human and animal health risks from wildlife trade: The CoP adopted CoP19 Docs.23.1 and 2 as amended by CoP19 Com.II.6.

Implications of the COVID19 pandemic on the implementation of the Convention: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.24.

Action plan on gender-related matters: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.24 as amended in CoP19 Com.II.3.

Review of Resolutions and Decisions: Committee II was not able to consider CoP19 Doc.26 and the document was introduced in Plenary. JAPAN proposed that Decision 14.81, directing the AC not to conduct periodic reviews for any great whale while the moratorium by the International Whaling Commission is in place, be maintained and not be incorporated in Resolution Conf. 14.8 (Rev. CoP17) on Periodic Review of species included in Appendices I and II. AUSTRALIA, the UK, and EU asked to have it incorporated. JAPAN withdrew the proposal.

The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.26.

Review of Decisions: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.27 with amendments.

National laws for implementation of the Convention: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.28.

Implementation of Article XIII and Resolution Conf.14.3 (Rev. CoP18) on CITES compliance procedures: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.29.1.

Totoaba (Totoaba macdonaldi): The CoP adopted CoP19 Docs.29.2.1 and 2.

Malagasy palisanders and rosewoods (Dalbergia spp.) and ebonies (Diospyros spp.): The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.29.3.

Compliance assistance programme: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.30.

Country-wide significant trade reviews: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.31.

Review of Resolution Conf. 11.3 (rev. CoP18) on compliance and enforcement: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.32.

Enforcement matters: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.33.

Annual illegal trade reports: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.34.

Task force on illegal trade in specimens of CITES-listed tree species: The CoP adopted Cop19 Doc.35.

Wildlife crime enforcement support in West and Central Africa: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.36.1 and 36.2.

Wildlife crime linked to the Internet: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.37.

Guidance for making legal acquisition findings: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.40.

Electronic systems and information technologies and authentication and control of permits: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.41.

Purpose codes on CITES permits and certificates: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.42.

Non-detriment findings: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.43.1.

Making non-detriment findings for specimens of Appendix-II species taken in the marine environment not under the jurisdiction of any State: The CoP adopted Doc19 Doc.43.2.

Review of Resolution Conf. 11.19 (Rev. CoP16): The CoP agreed to CoP19 Doc.44.1.

Identification of timber and other wood products: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.43.2.

Labelling system for trade in caviar: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.45.

Trade in stony corals: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.46.

Specimens produced through biotechnology: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.47 as amended by CoP19 Com.II.10.

Definition of the term ‘appropriate and acceptable destinations’: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.48.

Introduction from the sea: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.49.

Disposal of confiscated specimens: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.50.

Quotas for leopard (Panthera pardus) hunting trophies: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.51 and the draft decisions in the Secretariat’s comments in CoP19 Doc.51 with amendments.

Transport of live specimens: Improving implementation of the transport regulations: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.52 with amendments..

Exemptions and special trade provisions: Review of CITES provisions related to trade in specimens of animals and plants not of wild source: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.53 with amendments.

Review of the provisions of Resolution Conf. 17.7 on Review of trade in animal specimens reported as produced in captivity: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.54 with amendments.

Registration of operations that breed Appendix I animal species in captivity for commercial purposes: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.55 with amendments.

Guidance on the term ‘artificially propagated’: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.56 with amendments.

Specimens grown from wild-collected seeds or spores that are deemed to be artificially propagated: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.57.

Species specific matters: West African vultures (Accipitridae spp.): The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.58 with condiments.

Illegal trade in cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus): The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.59 with amendments.

Conservation of amphibians (Amphibia spp.): The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.60.

Eels (Anguilla spp.): The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.61 as amended by CoP19 Com.1.4.

Agarwood-producing taxa (Aquilaria spp. and Gyrinops spp.): The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.62 as amended in CoP19 Com.I.10.

Boswellia trees (Boswellia spp.)The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.63 as amended in CoP19 Com.I.11.

Marine turtles (Cheloniidae spp. and Dermochelyidae spp.): The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.64 as amended in CoP19 Com.1.4.

Sharks and rays (Elasmobranchii spp.): The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.65 as amended in CoP19 Com.I.8

Elephants (Elephantidae spp.): Implementation of Resolution Conf. 10.10 (Rev. CoP17) on Trade in elephant specimens: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.66.1 as amended.

Ivory stockpiles: implementation of Resolution Conf. 10.10 (Rev. CoP18) on Trade in elephant specimens: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.66.2.1 with amendments.

Establishing a fund accessible to range states upon non-commercial disposal of ivory stockpiles: The CoP rejected the draft decisions in CoP19 Com.II.9. KENYA made a statement concerning its intentions to carry the work proposed in CoP19 Doc.66.2.2 forward outside CITES.

Implementing aspects of Resolution Conf. 10.10 (Rev. CoP18) on the closure of domestic ivory markets: On CoP19 Doc.66.3, Committee II Chair Fleming reported that the draft decisions were rejected by vote. BURKINA FASO proposed two new draft decisions. MALI seconded BURKINA FASO’s proposal to reopen the debate. JAPAN and ZIMBABWE opposed it.

The CoP voted on whether to reopen debate, which required one-third approval to pass. With 28 in favour, 40 against, and 57 abstaining, the agenda item was reopened. BENIN, NIGER, and SENEGAL supported the new draft decisions proposed by BURKINA FASO. ZAMBIA, JAPAN, BOTSWANA, and THAILAND opposed them.

The CoP voted on the two new draft decisions proposed by BURKINA FASO. With 69 in favour, 27 opposed, and 34 abstaining, the two draft decisions passed.

International trade in live African elephant specimens: The CoP adopted CoP19 Docs.66.4.1 and CoP19 Doc.66.4.2.

Report on MIKE: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.66.5.

ETIS: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.66.6.

Review of the NIAP process: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.66.7.

CITES Big Cats Task Force (Felidae spp.): The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.67 as amended.

Asian big cats (Felidae spp.): The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.68 as amended.

Seahorses (Hippocampus spp.): The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.69.1 and CoP19 Doc.69.2 as amended.

Rosewood timber species [Leguminosae (Fabaceae)]: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.70 as amended.

Pangolins (Manis spp.): The CoP adopted CoP19 Docs.71.1 and 2 as amended by CoP19 Com.II.8.

African lions (Panthera leo): The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.72.

Jaguars (Panthera onca): The CoP adopted CoP19 Docs.73.1 and 2 as amended.

Songbird trade and conservation management (Passeriformes spp.): The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.74.

Rhinoceroses (Rhinocerotidae spp.): The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.75 as amended in CoP19 Com.II.12.

Saiga antelope (Saiga spp.): The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.76 as amended.

Queen conch (Strombus gigas): The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.77 as amended.

Tortoises and freshwater turtles (Testudines spp.): The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.78 as amended.

African Tree Species: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.79 as amended.

Marine Ornamental Fishes: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.80 as amended.

Neotropical Tree Species: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.81 as amended.

Trade in Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Species: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.82 as amended.

Identifying species at risk of extinction for CITES Parties: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.83 as amended.

Standard Nomenclature: The CoP adopted CoP19 Docs.84.1-4 as amended.

Annotations: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.85.1-3 as amended.

Products containing specimens of Appendix-II orchids: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.86.

Language Strategy of the Convention: KUWAIT introduced CoP19 Plen.1, prepared at the request of Committee II on the basis of CoP19 Doc.8. She highlighted that the draft decisions call, inter alia, on the Secretariat to provide for the translation of all resolutions and decisions into the three additional languages; and arrange for the translation of the CITES website into these languages. RUSSIAN FEDERATION, NIGER, BURKINA FASO, LIECHTENSTEIN, SENEGAL, and others underscored that the proposed decisions will increase visibility, access, and understanding. CHILE proposed replacing “external resources” with “extrabudgetary contributions.”

The CoP adopted the document as amended.

Amendments to Resolution Conf. 9.24 (Rev. CoP17): The CoP adopted CoP19 Docs.87.1 and 2 as amended.

Communications concerning amendments to the Appendices received by the Depositary Government after the 18th meeting of the Conference of the Parties: The CoP adopted CoP19 Doc.88 as amended.

Proposals to amend the Appendices: Hippopotamus amphibiusThe CoP introduced CoP19 Prop.1 (Rev.1) to transfer the hippo from Appendix II to I, a decision which was rejected in Committee I. TOGO motioned to reopen the debate, highlighting that the emergency evacuation during debate in Committee I prevented due consideration. BOTSWANA and TANZANIA opposed the motion. The motion was approved, with 44 in favor, 37 against, and 48 abstaining.

TOGO, supported by BENIN, urged to retain the hippo on Appendix II with a zero export quota to protect the few hippo left. The EU agreed that improved conservation measures are needed, but that trade restrictions could have negative consequences for the conservation of the species. SOUTH AFRICA and DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO emphasized that their hippo populations are not impacted by trade. TOGO asked for a vote.

The CoP voted to reject the proposal, with 53 in favor, 58 against, and 21 abstaining.

In the Corridors

It’s said that the second-to-last day of any negotiation is the most difficult: so much work has already been undertaken, but the final hours of the plenary can make or break any delegate’s efforts. So it was with some relief and a sense of accomplishment that many delegates went into the first part of a final plenary that held remarkably few surprises. “I was expecting quite a few items to be reopened,” one delegate confessed. “But the Presidency seems to have helped avoid some crises. Thank goodness, I can relax now.”

Some took that relaxation to heart, with more than one participant catching a quick nap at their desk before the start of the afternoon plenary. Others were seen ducking out until their relevant items come up on Friday—saving their energy, perhaps, for the end-of-CoP dance party announced by the Panamanian presidency.

The Earth Negotiations Bulletin summary and analysis of CoP19 will be available on Monday, 28 November 2022 here.

Further information

