A bird hunts a frog

Highlights and images for 8 November 2022

Wuhan, China, and Geneva, Switzerland

Ramsar Convention on Wetlands

Despite some strongly-diverging perspectives emerging on Tuesday, along with the addition of a controversial draft resolution, delegates continued to work collaboratively throughout the day. The resolution receiving the most fire was related to criteria for designating a Ramsar site, and continued to be referred to as the “delisting” proposal even after its proponent removed the explicit term in the revised version.

The addition of a draft resolution relating to impacts on Ramsar sites in Ukraine “stemming from  Russia’s aggression” promised to generate extensive discussion, with a decision on when to consider it expected to be made Wednesday morning.

Want to dive deeper? Read the full Earth Negotiations Bulletin daily report

The plenary also held discussions on the following proposed resolutions, with contact groups, informal discussions or revisions by the Secretariat continuing to guide their path towards adoption:

• review of Ramsar criteria, and delisting Ramsar Sites;

• enhancing visibility and synergies with other MEAs and international institutions:
• new CEPA approach;
• Ramsar Regional Initiatives – operational guidelines;
• Ramsar wetland conservation awards;
• future implementation of scientific and technical aspects for 2023-2025;
• enhancing the conservation and management of small wetlands;
• draft list of defunct resolutions; and
• review of all previous resolutions and decisions.

Even though work remains to be done on all the proposed texts, the plenary only has eight draft resolutions that have not had their first round of discussions, reflecting in part the efficient yet collegial approach of acting COP14 President Wu Zhimin.

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