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Interlaken Workshop on
Decentralization in Forestry
Interlaken, Switzerland, 27- 30 April 2004


IISD's SUMMARY REPORT is available online in the following formats:


Daily Web Coverage:
27 April
28 April
29 April
30 April

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Thursday, 29 April

In the morning, participants heard
presentations from the rapporteurs of the field trips and engaged in a round table discussion on communities' experiences with decentralization. In the afternoon, participants broke into six working groups and discussed diverse topics related to decentralization in forestry.

Workshop participants meet in Interlaken's Casino Kursaal

Jeff Sayer, Rugen-Mürren field trip rapporteur.



Listen to the reports on:

Jürgen Blaser, chair of the field trip reports and discussion session.

Stewart Maginnis, Brienz field trip rapporteur.

Vinod Bahuguna, Boltigen field trip rapporteur.

Jill Blockhus, Emmental field trip rapporteur.

Workshop participants listening to Jill Blockhus's presentation on Emmental.


Every morning and afternoon, the conference organizers provide coffee breaks.


Arvind Khare spoke on community issues in decentralization.


Listen to

Doris Capistrano chaired the Community Roundtable.

Adolino Saway Makapuka illustrated the challenges of decentralizing protected forest area management in the Philippines.

Witness Kozanayi described the case of some communities' initiative to do their own land use planning in Zimbabwe.

Hannah Wittman, on behalf of Silvel Elias, made a presentation entitled "The State, Forests and Communities in Guatemala".

Above photo Community Roundtable panel members, left to right: Silvel Elias, Hannah Wittman, Felix Mirasol, Adolino Saway Makapuka, Doris Capistrano, Arvind Khare, Witness Kozanayi and Stephen Hlambela

After the presentations, Community Roundtable Panel members responded to questions from workshop participants.

Jürgen Blaser, co-coordinator of the Working Groups.


In the afternoon, Jürgen Blaser gave an overview of the various topics to be addressed by the working groups and their plan of work. Conference participants then separated into 6 multi-country working groups (described below).

Blaser ended his presentation by wishing all groups well with the consensus building process.

Dedi Masykur Riyadi, Group 1 chair


This group discussed the allocation of roles and responsibilities and coordination at different levels and across sectors.


Participants of Group 1

Gijs Van Tol, Group 2 chair


In this group participants dealt with maintaining ecosystem functions, sustaining forest productivity, and the appropriate application of knowledge and technology.

Participants of Group 2

Jesse Ribot, Group 3 chair.


Group 3 considered policy, regulatory frameworks and equitable benefit sharing.

Participants of Group 3

Jim Douglas, Group 4 chair


The topics discussed by this group included financial incentives, promoting investment and private sector partnership.

Participants of Group 4

Yam Malla, Group 5 chair


Participants of group 5 considered topics such as participation, conflict and multi-stakeholder processes.

Participants of Group 5

Franz Schmithuesen, group 6 chair


In this group, participants discussed capacity building, technical and information support.

Participants of Group 6


Jürgen Blaser sounds the Indonesian Gong every morning to start of the daily workshop activities.

Wouter Ieen Hijweege announcing a side event on national forest programmes in Africa.

Workshop participants discussing issues during the coffee break.

(Left to right): Wouter Ieen Hijweege, Julian Gayfer and Kristin Olsen

After much hard work, Jean-Laurent Pfund, Intercooperation, happily inaugurates another workshop luncheon.


Interlaken Workshop on Decentralization in Forestry participants can enjoy the springtime flowers planted around the Casino Kursaal.

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