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On Tuesday, delegates at the Intergovernmental Review (IGR) on Implementation of the Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities (GPA) discussed the proposed 2002-2006 work programme of the GPA Coordination Office in the morning, and coastal and ocean governance in the afternoon.


Veerle Vanderweerd (left), Coordinator, GPA Coordination Office, summarized prior achievements of the GPA Coordination Office, including the Clearinghouse Mechanism, national programmes of action (NPAs), financial instruments, voluntary agreements, and regional and interagency cooperation.

The PERMANENT COMMISSION FOR THE SOUTH PACIFIC (CPPS) described its involvement in regional implementation of the GPA in the Southwest Pacific. He stressed that international cooperation is indispensable to the success of the GPA. Left photo: Ulises Munaylla, Permanent Commission for the South Pacific

COLOMBIA stressed the importance of monitoring and assessment of environmental conditions, developing indicators for sustainable development, integrating freshwater, oceans and coastal management, and creating financial and policy synergies among organizations and conventions.

The IOC presented the Proposed 2002-2006 POW for UN Agencies in Support of Implementation of the GPA (UNEP/GPA/IGR.1/6/ Add.1), and listed proposals to develop indicators for ocean health and sustainable oceans management and to assess impacts of nutrient fluxes into coastal zones. He identified obstacles to effective action, including scarce resources and lack of institutional coordination on cross-sectoral mandates such as the GPA. Left photo: Patricio Bernal, IOC/UNESCO

ICLEI offered assistance in involving local governments, building capacity, and facilitating cooperation among cities. Right photo: Sean Southey of ICLEI making an intervention during the morning plenary session.

The NETHERLANDS (right) stressed the importance of additional funding, and noted that it is considering contributing US$1.3 million to the GPA for 2002.

JAPAN noted the need to avoid duplication of activities under other MEAs, including the MARPOL and POPs conventions.

AUSTRALIA (left) noted that the Clearinghouse Mechanism provides a good tool for building capacity.

PERU stressed the importance of indicators to assess implementation of GPA objectives.

ITALY (right) noted the need to strengthen the linkages between the GPA and regional seas conventions and protocols.

He Changchui (FAO) reiterated FAO's commitment to continue supporting implementation of the GPA, and stressed the need for commitments of additional financial resources from a range of partners. 

KENYA encouraged the POW to include efforts to enable a wider range of users to access the Clearinghouse Mechanism.

Co-Chair Slade (Samoa) (right) introduced the document on Improving the Implementation of the GPA through Improved Coastal and Ocean Governance (UNEP/GPA/IGR.1/7).
The CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY (CBD) underscored the important linkages between the CBD and the GPA given their common interest in the sustainable use of coastal marine resources and conservation of marine habitats. He noted that the CBD and the GPA are exploring collaborative linkages for their clearing­houses and signed a memorandum of cooperation in September 2000.

The INTERNATIONAL OCEAN INSTITUTE recommended that ocean governance be advanced at three levels: legal frameworks; institutional frameworks; and tools for implementation, including technological, financial, and implementation and enforcement capacity. Right photo: Elisabeth Mann Borgese of the IOI making an intervention.

The US emphasized that the principal responsibility for environmental governance rests with governments, with transparent processes that allow for the participation of all stakeholders.

ST. LUCIA supported streamlining the reporting requirements of various instruments given human resource limitations. He emphasized the need to raise the awareness of specific target groups to enable the involvement of civil society and the private sector.

SAMOA drew attention to the special needs of SIDS, including human resources and capacity building, and urged further coordination among GPA cooperative agreements.

CANADA identified the following prerequisites for effective governance: community engagement; consideration of the effectiveness of policy programmes; increased collaboration and cooperation; integrated management; the development of sustainable ocean industries; and political will.

The WORLD BANK highlighted its investments in GPA-related activities, including wastewater and sanitation, control of industrial pollution, reduction of agricultural runoff in coastal areas, and institutional support for international waters. He noted that coordination is crucial for the efficient use of scarce financial resources, and said the Bank is ready to help improve coordination among agencies.
GPA Website 
GPA preparatory documents  and information for participants (pdf)
CBD: Jakarta Manadate on Marine and Coastal Biodiversity


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