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Earth Negotiations Bulletin
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Monday, 23 February
Friday, 27 February & Summary and Analysis
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Summary and Analysis
Monday, 2 March 2009
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Monday, 2 March 2009
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Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting for the seventeenth session of the Commission on
Sustainable Development (CSD-17)

23-27 February 2009 | UN headquarters, New York, US

Delegates at opening of session
Highlights for Monday, 23 February 2009

The Intersessional Preparatory Meeting (IPM) for the 17th session of the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD-17) opened on Monday morning at UN Headquarters in New York. Delegates offered opening statements, heard presentations from major groups, and discussed small island developing States’ (SIDS) situation with regard to the CSD-17 thematic cluster: Africa, agriculture, desertification, drought, land and rural development.
CSD-17 Chair Gerda Verburg (the Netherlands)
Tariq Banuri, Director, Division for Sustainable Development/CSD Secretariat
CSD Vice-Chair Javad Mansour (Iran)
Norwegian delegation
CSD Vice-Chair Kaire Munionganda Mbuende (Namibia)
John Matuszak, US Department of State, Division Chief for Sustainable Development and Multilateral Affairs
Sha Zukang, United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs
Bedrich Moldan (Czech Republic), CSD Vice-Chair 1993-1994 and Chair 2000-2001; Chair UNCED PrepCom Working Group III, Vice-Chair and Rapporteur of the Main Committee, 1991-1992
Delegates during the meeting
Related Links
IPM and CSD-17 Information resources
UN Division for Sustainable Development (DSD) IPM and CSD-17 webpage
IPM agenda
CSD-17 homepage
CSD-17 documents

IISD Reporting Services resources
IISD RS coverage of CSD-16, 5-16 May 2008, New York, United States of America
IISD RS coverage of CSD-15, 30 April - 11 May 2007, New York, United States of America
IISD RS coverage of CSD-14, 1-12 May 2006, New York, United States of America
IISD RS coverage of CSD-13, 11-22 April 2005, New York, United States of America
IISD RS CSD coverage
IISD RS UN Convention to Combat Desertification coverage
IISD RS sustainable development meetings coverage
Linkages Update - Bi-weekly international environment and sustainable development news
MEA Bulletin- Newsletter on key MEAs and their secretariats
African Regional Coverage
Climate Change Policy & Practice - News and information on the actions of international organizations in responding to the problem of global climate change
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