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Visit the First Session of the Committee for the Review of the Implementation of the Convention (CRIC1)


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First Session of the Committee for the Review
of the Implementation of the Convention (CRIC1)

Rome, Italy | 11 - 22 November 2002



Friday 22 | Delegates met for the final time at CRIC-1 to adopt the programme of work for the second session of the committee for the review of the implementation of the convention (CRIC-2) and the report of CRIC-1, including the conclusions and recommendations (ICCD/CRIC(1)/L.1).


Adoption of the programme of work for CRIC-2:

Opening the final day of the CRIC-1, CRIC Chair Biaou presented the recommendations on the programme of work for CRIC- 2, noting that CRIC sessions held during the ordinary sessions of the COP will: consider the comprehensive report of the intersessional session; review the policies, operational modalities and activities of the GM; review reports prepared by the Secretariat on the execution of its functions; and consider reports on collaboration with the GEF. Finland on of behalf of the EU, said that these sessions should: clearly identify the roles of all stakeholders in the CRIC and ensure that NGOs, CBOs, scientists and development partners play meaningful roles in the review; be structured on small time-limited thematic groups focusing on issues across regions; include the CST Expert Group; place greater emphasis on socioeconomic issues; be presented with more subregional and regional case studies; address only three thematic issues per session; report on results and outcomes using appropriate indicators; and organize the session over a five-day period only. Brazil proposed that the next session deal with: the problems of developing country implementation and the identification of possible solutions in this regard; prioritizing socioeconomic issues; identifying synergies between the CCD and other global processes dealing with combating poverty, hunger and famine; and establishing links between protectionist practices in world agricultural trade and desertification and suggested that the WTO be requested to present data on these linkages.


Adoption of the report of CRIC-1:

CRIC Rapporteur Franco Micieli de Biase (Italy) introduced the draft report of CRIC-1(ICCD/CRIC(1)/L.1). He stressed that the CRIC was established in accordance with Decision 1/CP.5, to regularly review the implementation of the CCD, to draw conclusions, and to propose concrete recommendations on further implementation steps to the COP. He outlined that during the two previous weeks, the CRIC met in 18 sessions, considering, inter alia: presentations by affected country Parties; comments made by developed country Parties; a report prepared by the Secretariat on actions aimed to strengthen the relationships with other relevant conventions and agreements; a report on financial mechanisms in support of CCD implementation, including the GEF; and information and advice provided by the CST and the GM. Elaborating on the CRIC's seven key thematic issues identified at COP-5, he highlighted the success of the discussions in the plenary and the Global Interactive Dialogue, and outlined the structure of the report.



CRIC Chair Biaou then presented the draft report to the CRIC for adoption, underscoring that the report is the result of the views, comments and suggestions as presented by all parties to the CRIC. After discussion of some minor points, the Parties adopted the recommendations to be forwarded to COP-6.


Commencing the closing ceremonies of the CRIC, the CCD Executive Secretary congratulated participants on the successful conclusion of their work, and stressed the importance of the meeting. He praised the presentations as they showed both the strengths and weaknesses of the CCD, but warned that there are still major challenges ahead and that Parties will have no excuse but to meet the CCD's objectives as set out in NAPs, SRAPs and RAPs.


In his closing statement, Chair Biaou stressed that immediate actions are necessary with an eye to long-term results. He said that the meeting has shown that the CRIC initiative was not an empty idea or a waste of time, and welcomed recognition that it serves an important purpose. CRIC Chair Biaou closed the session, to acclamation.


Images of the day |



Links |

Text of the convention and useful information

CCD information on desertification and the Convention

Official Documents of the First Session of the CRIC

Press release on the CRIC

CRIC1 - Tentative Schedule

Adoption of the Agenda and Organization of Work

Arrangements for the First Session of the Committee for the Review of the Implementation of the Convention

Linkages desertification issues page and COP-5 summary report.

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