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Inaugural Mission Innovation Ministerial (MI Ministerial)

1-2 June 2016 | San Francisco, US

Summary Highlights of the Meeting

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Daily Web CoverageAbout | 1 Jun | 2 Jun | Summary

Nancy Pelosi, Democratic Leader of the US House of Representatives

Visit the full ENB+ web coverage for Thursday, 2 June

MIM resumed in the afternoon of 2 June 2016, and covered MI Ministers’ announcements on government funding for clean energy innovation, organizational decisions on MI, and new collaborative research and analysis. Maros Šefčovič, EU, announced an increase in the EU’s investment in clean energy to more than US$10.2 billion from 2014-2020. He said the EU is working on mainstreaming budgetary allocations from other sectors towards climate change, to a total of US$27 billion in clean energy investment. Tord Lien, Norway, reported on progress made in baselines and doubling plans, noting that all 20 MI countries and the EU have declared plans to double their contributions from a baseline of US$15 billion by 2021.

Harsh Vardhan, India, reiterated the collective desire of nations to work together to provide affordable and reliable clean energy for all, which he said had resulted in the establishment of the MI Enabling Framework. He said the Joint Research and Capacity Building subgroup made specific recommendations, including leveraging the MI platform to facilitate partnerships, capacity building, collaboration and research. He expressed his hopes for replicating the success of India’s LED programme in the cooling area before CEM8. Reporting on the Business and Investor Engagement subgroup, Pedro Joaquín Coldwell, Mexico, highlighted the group’s main aims, which include: exchanging information and building relationships; improving mutual understanding of perspectives and priorities regarding clean energy innovation needs and opportunities; attracting and encouraging investment in emerging technologies to expand and and enhancing the innovation pipeline. James Carr, Canada, highlighted the work of the Innovation Analysis and Roadmapping subgroup, saying it has three key deliverables: establishing an online library; compiling a meta-analysis report using the data collected in the library; and a one-year work programme for the subgroup. Secretary Moniz encouraged further sharing of innovative approaches for cooperation with R&D stakeholders, the private sector and others so that clean technology development and deployment can be further accelerated.

During a special address, Nancy Pelosi, Democratic Leader of the US House of Representatives, noted the US commitment to delivering on the promises made during the MIM, including doubling R&D investment over the next five years. Moniz summarized key discussions of the day and thanked partners, sponsors and high level guests for their support. He reiterated the importance of linking government and private sector in accelerating clean energy innovation, and closed the meeting at 6:00 pm.

Visit the full ENB+ web coverage for Thursday, 2 June

IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB+ Meeting Coverage, has provided daily digital coverage from the Inaugural Mission Innovation Ministerial (MI Ministerial).
Photos by IISD/ENB | Francis Dejon
For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page

Open Press Public Announcements

Cherry Murray, Director, Office of Science, US Department of Energy

Mission Innovation Announcements (L-R): Tord Lien, Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Norway; Pedro Joaquín Coldwell,
Secretary of Energy, Mexico; James Gordon Carr, Minister, Natural Resources Canada; Maroš Šefčovič, Vice President, Energy
Union; Harsh Vardhan, Cabinet Minister of Science & Technology and Earth Sciences, India and Ernest Moniz,
Secretary of Energy, US

Nancy Pelosi, Democratic Leader of the US House of Representatives, delivering her key note address

Investor and Industry Panel (L-R): Michael Langford, National President, Utility Workers Union of America; Dipender
, Partner and Managing Director, Capricorn Investment Group; Prith Banerjee, CTO, Schneider Electric; Thomas Fanning,
Chairman, President and CEO, Southern Company; and Sue Siegel, CEO, GE Ventures

Ernest Moniz, Secretary of Energy, US, thanked participants and his staff for a successful conclusion to the MI Ministerial and
closed the meeting at 6:00 pm.

Startups and Solutions Showcase

CEM and MI Ministerial participants heading to the Startups & Solutions Showcase

Exhibit at the Startups & Solutions Showcase featuring a fully rendered 3D printed car

Visit the full ENB+ web coverage for Wednesday, 1 June

The Mission Innovation (MI) Inaugural Ministerial convened for its first day on 1 June 2016 in San Francisco, California, US, with US Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz chairing the meeting. The Ministerial opened with delegates addressing organizational issues, which comprised of, among other things, the enabling framework, including criteria and processes for additional Members to join.

Discussions then turned to baselines, doubling plans, and information sharing. Members reported on progress made in this regard and announced baselines and doubling plans for their countries. Following this, delegates addressed business and investor engagement, and other substantive collaborations. They heard updates on the work of the MI sub-groups on Business and Investor Engagement, Innovation Analysis and Roadmapping, and Joint Research and Capacity Building, including areas for future work.

The Ministerial continued with an open discussion, during which delegates had the opportunity to express their views, and provide further guidance, on MI-related efforts. Delegates discussed: technological cooperation; research and development priorities, including those of the private sector; methods to foster further research and innovation; and domestic policies and cost reduction in renewable technologies.

A public/private innovation breakfast convened in the early morning and included an update on the Breakthrough Energy Coalition.

Visit the full ENB+ web coverage for Wednesday, 1 June

Participants at the MI breakfast session

Bill Gates, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, with Carlos Moedas, EU

Bill Gates, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, with Laurence Tubiana, France

Richard Branson, Virgin Group, being interviewed by IISD Reporting Services

Ernest Moniz, Secretary of Energy, US

View of the MI working breakfast session

Jerry Brown, Governor of California, US

CEM and MI Ministerial staff

ENB team at the CEM and MI Ministerial with (L-R): Franz Dejon, Cherelle Jackson, Kate Helfenstein, Leila Mead,
Deborah Davenport and Brandon Jourdan

Daily Web CoverageAbout | 1 Jun | 2 Jun | Summary
Funding for coverage of the Inaugural Mission Innovation Ministerial (MI Ministerial) has been provided by the Mission Innovation