CITES CoP17 Committee I met all day, addressing timber, saiga, snake trade, helmeted hornbill and hunting trophies, among other issues. Committee II looked at some agenda items referred to it by the Plenary, as well as a proposal to establish a CoP committee of rural communities.
IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB Meeting Coverage, has provided daily web coverage, daily reports and a summary and analysis report in English and French from CITES CoP17. The summary and analysis report is now available in HTML and PDF.
Photos by IISD/ENB | Kiara Worth
For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page.
Committee I
Delegates during Committee I
Beatrice Khayota, Kenya
Karen Gaynor, Chair, Committee I
Santiago Dacesio, Argentina
Adrianne Sinclair, Acting Chair,
CITES Plants Committee
César Beltetón, Guatemala
Asghar Mobaraki, Iran
Vương Tiến Mạnh, Viet Nam
Abba Sonko, Senegal
Noel McGough, Nomenclature Specialist
Carolina Caceres, Chair,
CITES Animals Committee
Ronald Orenstein, Humane Society International
Susan Lieberman,
Wildlife Conservation Society, US
Moustafa Fouda, Egypt
Umeed Khalid, Pakistan
Akankwasah Barirega, Uganda
Zafar Mahmudov, Tajikistan
Committee II
Delegates during Committee II
Patrick Omondi, Kenya
Jonathan Barzdo, Chair, Committee II
Asser Ndjitezeua, Namibian Association for CBNRM Support Organisations (NASCO)
Abednico Leano Macheme, Botswana
Stephen Mwansa, Zambia
Karla Isabel Acosta Resendi, Mexico
Patrick Gruben, Inuvialut Game Council
Delegates during the session
Marco Pani, Conservation Force
Dickson Kaelo,
Conservation Alliance for Kenya
Benjamin Maenetja, Balepye Community
Louisa Mupetami, Namibia
Ilse Kiessling, Australia
Melvin James, Saint Kitts and Nevis
Kone Salimata, Côte d'Ivoire
Jessica Maria Gálvez-Durand Besnard, Peru
Side Events Throughout the Day
Panel speakers during the InforMEA side event discussing 'Information Innovation for Environments Under Pressure'
Panel speakers during a side event discussing 'Enhancing policy coherence for the trade of legal wildlife products'
Panel speakers during a side event discussing the legal trade of rhino horn
Around the Venue
Edna Molewa, Minister of Environmental Affairs, South Africa, conducts an interview with media
A delegate reads the Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB)
to keep up to date with negotiations
Delegates from Guinea
Peter Bridgewater, University of Canberra
Delegates meet informally
Elizabeth Mrema, UNEP, speaks with delegates
A delegate reads materials between sessions