Daily report for 19 April 1994

3rd Session of the ICPD Preparatory Committee



C. Resource Mobilization and Allocation: The new version ofthis section reflects the concept of "core national populationprogrammes" with three components: family planning services; basicreproductive health services; and STD/HIV/AIDS preventionprogrammes. Delegates expressed concern about the focus on familyplanning to the exclusion of other population-related programmes.In 13.19 (objective), Bangladesh called for reference to povertyeradication. Sweden said both economic and social developmentshould be promoted. Malaysia added the concept of familywell-being.

In 13.20 (mobilizing and allocating resources for populationprogrammes), the US added language on meeting the needs ofunderserved population groups, including adolescents, the ruralpopulation and urban poor, and on ensuring the safety of servicesand their responsiveness to women, children and men. The US alsoadded increased involvement of the private sector. The Holy Seeexpressed concern that the US proposal mentioned children. Theyagreed on the needs of underserved population groups, includingadolescents, with due respect for parental rights andresponsibilities. The US proposed a new paragraph 13.22 referringto the need for collaboration between governments, internationalorganizations and NGOs in the development of more precise andreliable cost estimates.

The Group then returned to the Basis for Action section. Uganda,Brazil and the US reorganized 13.9 (allocation of resources betweensectors), but did not alter its substance. Morocco added improvingthe health of people in rural areas. In 13.10 (mobilization ofdomestic resources), Uganda proposed deleting the two sentencesthat refer to family planning because this chapter should addresspopulation issues in their widest context. The US, supported bySweden and the Philippines, proposed merging 13.11 (additionalgoals and objectives of the Programme of Action), with the firstsentence of 13.10, and reference to the role of the public andprivate sectors. The remainder of 13.10 (family planning) should bea separate paragraph.

In 13.12 (components of national population programmes), the USproposed changing "core national population programmes" to "familyplanning and reproductive health services programmes." Norwaycalled for reference to the need for better integration of thecomponents. The Holy See, supported by Malaysia, proposed referenceto treatment for infertility in (b) (basic reproductive health).The US agreed, provided "as appropriate" was inserted. The USreference to safe abortion was promptly bracketed by Morocco andthe Holy See. In (c) (STD/HIV/ AIDS prevention), Guatemala andHonduras opposed reference to condom distribution.

In 13.13 (estimates of population programme costs), the US proposednew language reflecting the methodology used to determine thefigures. Mexico proposed replacing the entire paragraph withgeneral language referring to overall costs rather than sectoralones.


PREAMBLE: PrepCom Chair Dr. Fred Sai reminded delegates thatPrepCom II had mandated the Secretariat to prepare a preamble toserve as a chapeau to the substantive chapters and to reflect otherrelated international conferences and instruments. He expressed hisconcern with some of the G-77 and EU amendments that had beensubmitted to him, since they eliminated references to importantthemes in the original preamble. Sweden, supported by Norway andNew Zealand, proposed that the preamble be drafted as an executivesummary. Australia suggested that the preamble should beincorporated as the Cairo Declaration. Delegates were asked tosubmit comments to the Secretariat, who will produce a revisedtext. Dr. Sadik noted that the final draft could only be completedonce the substantive chapters were finalized.

PRINCIPLES: Dr. Sai reported that he had held consultationsaimed at streamlining the Principles section. The G-77 called fora principle to address the rights of migrants. Sweden suggestedfour possible bases for action: relevant UN conferences; otherdocuments on the status of women and children; other basic UNinstruments, such as the UN Declaration on Human Rights; and ashort chapter summarizing the basis for the ICPD's work. Pakistannoted that Principle 7 should provide the basis for unbracketingreferences to family planning and reproductive health.

Dr. Sai confirmed that Principles 8 and 10 would be held inabeyance pending the completion of negotiations. Canada and the USsaid that where principles are derived from other instruments, theyshould be quoted exactly. Norway suggested addinginter-generational equity to Principle 5. On Principle 7, Norwayadded reference to the right to liberty and security of the personas well as the basic right to decide freely and responsibly thenumber and spacing of children. Australia, New Zealand and Boliviasuggested stronger reference to the specific problems of indigenouspeoples. Australia also requested stronger language on theparticipation of women. India insisted that the text take intoaccount sustained economic growth. Morocco supported India andcalled for reference to the problem of international migration.Nepal requested reference to safe motherhood wherever familyplanning and reproductive health is mentioned. The RussianFederation suggested an addition to Principle 6 on the fullintegration of countries with economies in transition. Yemenlamented the lack of commitment from developed countries to assistdeveloping countries and called for principles to addressinternational support. Dr. Sai said that issues related to women'sparticipation, socio-economic development, migrants and indigenouspeoples will be reflected in the revised text.

XVI. FOLLOW-UP TO THE CONFERENCE: The G-77 proposed thatdiscussion on this chapter be postponed to allow time for regionalgroups to work out consensus language. Since there was noopposition, the Chair agreed, if the changes would be ready byWednesday morning.



A. International Migration and Development: In 10.3 (keepingpeople in their home countries), the US and Australia called formechanisms to ensure "the human rights" of minorities. Cubaobjected to the creation of market-oriented economies in allcountries. Delegates agreed to the Russian Federation and Croatia'ssuggestion to refer to reducing the gap between developed economiesand those in transition. Uganda's suggestion to ensure the right of"political opponents" was bracketed.

B. Documented Migrants: Canada, the EU, the US and Australiareminded delegates that this chapter is on long-term migrants.Delegates agreed to add a statement on temporary migrants. In 10.9(discrimination in receiving countries), the Philippines asked forequal treatment of migrant women and children after marriagedissolution. Canada, Malaysia, and the US objected, but accepted anAustralian compromise that governments, within the limits ofnational legislation, are asked to consider special treatment formigrant women and children. In 10.10 (measures to integratelong-term migrants), Turkey mentioned the need to ensure the rightof family unification. The US, Japan and India wanted to refer tointernational human rights law instead. The Philippines proposedlanguage on avoiding age discrimination.

C. Undocumented Migrants: In 10.13 (objective), delegatesagreed, despite US and Japanese objections, to take intoconsideration Venezuela's suggestion to include the same objectivesreflected in Section B on combating discriminatory practices andensuring protection against racism. In 10.14 (elimination of causesof undocumented migration), El Salvador, Panama and Colombia askedto identify the causes of migration. In 10.16 (status ofundocumented and unaccepted migrants), Japan wanted to deletereference to international laws protecting the human rights of suchmigrants. Algeria agreed there are difficulties associated withsuch laws, but emphasized their importance.

D. Refugees and Asylum-Seekers: In 10.20 (ensuringinternational protection of refugees and displaced persons), the EUopposed the "equitable sharing of responsibilities." Croatiaobjected and the term was bracketed. In 10.21 (internationalsupport), delegates agreed to consider Cameroon's suggestion toinclude the obligation of refugees to abide by the laws of the hostcountry. In 10.21b (governments' role in voluntary repatriation),India disagreed with interdependence between long-term developmentand refugee repatriation, stating that reconstruction plans shouldbe independent of repatriates. In 10.22b (refugee resettlement),Cameroon, Guinea and Niger disagreed with refugee resettlement atborders close to their home. Brazil's suggestion was accepted tokeep the issue of safety into consideration, while givingpreference to places close to their homeland. In 10.23 (right toreturn and relevance of principles of the UN Charter), the USrequested deletion of the whole paragraph since it refers topolitically-sensitive issues unrelated to the ICPD mandate.Algeria, Croatia, the Holy See and Palestine objected.


A. Reproductive Rights and Reproductive Health: In 7.3(objectives), the Chair noted agreement to divide the paragraph:(a) to replace "high-quality" information with "comprehensive andfactual"; retain "the full range of services" instead of the"broadest possible range," and to bracket "full range," and add"adolescents" as family planning users; and (b) to add "responsibledecisions" and bracket "fertility regulation."

In 7.4 (actions), Bolivia suggested that all countries shouldstrive to make reproductive health care accessible. The Philippinessuggested an alternative. The Chair proposed a compromise: "Allcountries should strive to make accessible through the primaryhealth care system reproductive health to all individuals of allages as soon as possible." Honduras requested brackets around "ofall ages." Indonesia proposed inclusion of safe motherhood.Pakistan, supported by Panama, added education to family planning.The Holy See opposed inclusion of safe abortion. Brazil stressedthat abortion is a reproductive health problem, citing that 25-30%of all pregnancies in Latin America end in abortion. Norway saidthat reproductive health care includes health promotion and diseaseprevention. The US asked to include pregnancy termination, whilethe EU transferred "pregnancy termination" to Chapter VIII.Nicaragua, Benin and the Holy See disagreed.

In 7.5 (reproductive and sexual health-care programmes), the USasked to reinsert the statement on more management roles for womenin health planning services. In 7.6 (innovative programmes), Malta,Brazil and Japan deleted wording that such programmes must beseparate from those designed to serve women. Bolivia suggested thatsimilar programmes be designed for men to share in family planning,domestic and child rearing responsibilities.

In 7.8 (countries in transition), the EU, Bangladesh and Pakistansupported the text in its current formulation. In 7.9 (migrantaccess to reproductive health), the Holy See deleted reference toreproductive "rights". The US stated that it will provide aproposed definition of reproductive health and rights. The EU andFinland preferred the current formulation. The Chair bracketed"rights." Delegates agreed with Cuba's reference to the needs ofadolescents.

B. Family Planning: In 7.12 (a) (objectives), Honduraspreferred "men and women" instead of "couples and individuals."Norway objected. The Chair explained that the reference "couplesand individuals" includes adolescents and this was agreed to 20years ago. The Holy See insisted that individuals cannot encompassadolescents, and called for brackets around "individuals." Pakistanexplained that the needs of individuals occur in two contexts, asindividuals and in a couple. In (b), Bolivia preferred reference tomaternal mortality and morbidity instead of "diseases." In (e),India preferred "responsibility of men in the actual practice offamily planning." Burkina Faso requested a new (f) to deal withbreastfeeding as a form of contraception.


WORKING GROUP I: The Working Group will meet for the finaltime this morning to complete the remaining outstanding chaptersunder its mandate, which include: paragraphs 13.14-13.18 (NationalAction); paragraphs 3.11, 3.13 and 3.20 (Population, SustainedEconomic Growth and Sustainable Development); and Chapter XVI,Follow-up.

WORKING GROUP II: The Working Group will complete its secondreading of Chapter VII, Reproductive Rights, Reproductive Healthand Family Planning, this morning, beginning with paragraph 7.12.

PLENARY: The Plenary is expected to meet from 3:00 - 9:00 pmto take final decision on the revised chapters that have beentranslated. The following chapters were distributed on Tuesday andwill be considered first: XV. Partnership with the Non-GovernmentalSector (A/CONF.171/PC/L.3); IV. Gender Equity, Equality and the Empowerment of Women (L.4); V. The Family, its Roles, Rights,Composition and Structure (L.5). The following three chapters arealso expected to be distributed and considered by the Committeetoday: VI. Population Growth and Structure (L.6); IX. PopulationDistribution, Urbanization and Internal Migration (L.9); and XIII.National Action (L.10).


National governments
Negotiating blocs
European Union
Group of 77 and China
Non-state coalitions
