Highlights and images for 21 May 2019



Highlights for Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Delegates submitted a series of proposed changes to the Co-Chairs "zero draft" issued on Tuesday.

Global Pact for the Environment OEWG-3One year on from the United Nations General Assembly’s adoption of Resolution 72/277 (“Towards a Global Pact for the Environment”) and the establishment of the open-ended working group (OEWG), delegations prepared to intensify informal negotiations at the UN Office at Nairobi. Delegations at the third substantive session of the OEWG prepared for late night informal negotiations on some of the recommendations to UNGA that will help define the pathway, the prospects and the promise of a high-level outcome. On the second day of the OEWG session, Co-Chairs Franciso António Duarte Lopes, Portugal, and Amal Mudallali, Lebanon, presented a revised version of their non-paper (25 April 2019) on recommendations to the UNGA on objectives, substantive recommendations, and the modalities for passing them on to UNGA. The new zero draft had been posted Monday evening (20 May 2019), on the basis of that day’s deliberations and submissions to the Co-Chairs, and is organised in three sections:

  • Guiding objectives;
  • Substantive recommendations; and
  • Recommendations to UNGA in support of taking forward the substantive recommendations.
  • The third and defining section on the shape of recommendations on modalities to UNGA remained in brackets. It was these options, including the adoption of an international instrument at a high-level UN conference and the establishment of a preparatory committee to make substantive recommendations to UNGA during the first half of 2020 on elements of an international instrument, which were the subject of intensive rounds of negotiations on Monday and Tuesday evenings. Proposals on the table range from a recommendation that UNGA adopt a resolution to consider an international instrument at a UN conference at Heads of State or government level by 2021--possibly marking the historic 50th anniversary of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment--to inviting UNGA to simply circulate recommendations to States and make them available to Secretariats of MEAs. The Co-Chairs' zero drafts are available here.

    IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB Meeting Coverage, has provided daily web coverage and a summary and analysis report from the 3rd Substantive Session of the Ad Hoc Open Ended Working Group Towards a Global Pact for the Environment. The summary and analysis report is now available in HTML and PDF.

    Photos by IISD/ENB | Natalia Mroz

    For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page.

    Co-Chairs Francisco António Duarte Lopes, Permanent Representative of Portugal and Amal Mudallali, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Lebanon, and Jamil Ahmad, Director, New York Office, UNEP
    Co-Chair Francisco António Duarte Lopes greets a delegate before the start of the meeting
    Delegates review the draft recommendations before the start of the discussion
    Shard, India
    Akram Mirzakhani, Iran
    Helge Elisabeth Zeitler, European Union
    Abdullah Tawlah, Saudi Arabia, speaks to Andrew Neustaetter, US, and members of the US delegation
    Fany Beatriz Ramos Quispe, Bolivia
    A delegate from the NGO sector takes notes.
    Frances Reupena, Samoa
    Delegates in discussion
    Ather Aljarboa, Saudi Arabia
    Delegates confer during the break.

    Delegates review the draft text during the discussion.
    Delegates from Morocco discuss the draft text.
    Co-Chair Amal Mudallali, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Lebanon
    A comment from the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions
    Delegates from the NGO sector in discussion.

    Working on revisions to the zero text
    NGO caucus meeting
    Leida Rijnhout, Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future
    Paulo Magalhaes, Instituto Internacional de Derecho y Medio Ambiente
    Janice Cox and Sabine Lennkh, World Animal Net
    Alexandra Lutz, CliMates
    Informal evening break out session, moderated by Norway and Colombia
    L-R: Delegates Solveig Crompton, Norway, and Elizabeth Taylor, Colombia, co-facilitate informal discussions.
    The breakout room during the informal discussions
    Around the Venue

    European delegates pose for a group photo.
    Viviana Tinoco Monge and Marta Juarez, delegates from Costa Rica
    Inside the conference room


    Negotiating blocs
    European Union