Highlights and images for 20 October 2016



On Thursday morning, plenary held a Forum on Urbanization, Rural Transformation and Implications for Food Security and Nutrition, aiming to enhance understanding of key issues, and identify key policy areas and possible roles for CFS.

Panelists presented on: changing rural dynamics; their implications for food security and nutrition and potential policy shifts required to address them; practical experiences on integrated policy approaches across rural and urban areas; and a decision on the way forward for CFS on this work stream. Moderator Corinna Hawkes, Centre for Food Policy, City University of London, called for an integrated approach and new policy thinking to keep up with the changing dynamics of the global food system. Preeti Ahuja, Agriculture Global Practice, World Bank, highlighted the need for multi-sectoral and multidimensional systems and linking the city level with national planning on agriculture, water and health. Cecilia Tacoli, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), stressed the need for local action and for a holistic approach to discuss how sectoral policies may limit such action. Nima Nango Dembele, Minister of Livestock and Fisheries of Mali, presented challenges and opportunities of a managed liberalization of agricultural markets. Bernard Lehmann, Secretary of State for Agriculture, Switzerland, highlighted opportunities from direct interactions between producers and consumers enabled through the internet, rapid food distribution systems, urban agriculture, and multi-functional farms. Christiane Araujo Costa, Instituto Polis, Brazil, described a school feeding programme based on locally-sourced organic food produced on family farms. Fernando Correa Peláez, General Counsel to the Mayor of Medellin, Colombia, presented on efforts to enhance food access for marginalized populations while supporting producers.

In the afternoon, plenary concluded discussion and endorsed decisions on urbanization, rural transformation and implications for food security and nutrition, and on the Multi-Year Programme of Work. Plenary also endorsed the annual updates to the Global Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition.

IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB+ Meeting Coverage, has provided digital coverage and a summary report from CFS 43 which is available in HTML and PDF.

Around the Venue

 ©FAO/Riccardo De Luca

©FAO/Pier Paolo Cito

Side event: Connecting family farmers to institutional markets 
©FAO/Riccardo De Luca

Side Event: Sowing the seeds of nutrition through nutrition-sensitive agriculture and food system.
©FAO/Pier Paolo Cito

Side event: Who will and how will we feed humanity? Finding complementarity between contrasting approaches to achieving food security and nutrition. ©FAO

Side event: Who will and how will we feed humanity? Finding complementarity between contrasting approaches to achieving food security and nutrition.


Daily Web Coverage — About | 17 Oct | 18 Oct | 19 Oct | 20 Oct | 21 Oct | Summary

Funding for coverage of CFS 43 has been provided by CFS

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