Highlights and images for 25 June 2019



Highlights for Tuesday, 25 June 2019

UNFCCC Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa speaks with Carolina Schmidt, Minister of the Environment, Chile, and COP 25 President-designate, as preparations are made for COP 25 later in the year.

IPCC-49With two days left at the Bonn Climate Change Conference, and record temperatures outside the venue, delegates grappled with the most divisive issues, trying to reach agreement as the heat rose.Parties agreed to a way forward on the periodic review of the long-term global goal, as well as some of the issues related to the Paris Agreement’s transparency framework. The discussions on emissions from aviation and maritime fuels ended with procedural conclusions, upholding a long-standing stalemate among parties on the agenda item.Agreement remains elusive on several issues. So far, parties could not agree on how, or, indeed, whether, to capture outcomes for this session on several items, including:

  • The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on 1.5°C of Global Warming: parties could not agree to one party’s proposals regarding knowledge gaps related to the 1.5°C goal;
  • The terms of reference for the review of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage Associated with Climate Change Impacts (WIM): parties could not agree on the scope of the review of the mechanism, among other debates;
  • Arrangements for future intergovernmental meetings: Outstanding issues include the frequency of future meetings, and observer participation, including one group’s proposal for a conflict of interest policy; and
  • Article 6: Many issues are outstanding on how to design market and non-market approaches under the Paris Agreement.
  • The budget raised worries for several delegates. While seemingly an administrative exercise, the budget provides the Secretariat with the means to act on the decisions taken. There were concerns that several parties’ demands to reduce the size of the budget conflicted with the need to implement the Katowice Climate Package, the rulebook of the Paris Agreement. For more details on the day's events and to hear what delegates said in the corridors, see our daily Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB).

    IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB Meeting Coverage, provided daily web coverage, daily reports, and a summary and analysis report from the Bonn Climate Change Conference - June 2019, which is now available in HTML and PDF.

    Photos by IISD/ENB | Kiara Worth

    For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page

    Multilateral Assessment
    The second day of the multilateral assessment (MA) took place, part of the international assessment and review (IAR) for developed countries, where they are assessed on their progress in meeting their 2020 targets.
    Alexander Nakhutin, Russian Federation
    Peer Stiansen, Norway
    Roger Sedin, Sweden
    Ion Cîmpeanu, Romania
    Zoran Kus, Slovenia
    Eduardo González Fernández, Spain
    Jaivardhan Ramanlal Bhatt, India
    Technical Expert Meeting on Adaptation
    The Technical Expert Meeting on Adaptation (TEM-A) began, with four sessions focused on: an overview of evolving and emerging sources of adaptation finance; maximizing synergies in the climate finance architecture; perspectives on assessing the impacts of adaptation finance of different scales; and adaptation planning for focusing action and increasing adaptation finance.
    Marianne Karlsen, Norway, Co-Chair of the Adaptation Committee
    Anne Olhoff, UN Environment Programme Denmark Technical University (UNEP DTU) Partnership
    Adis Dzebo, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
    Tomasz Chruszczow, High-Level Champion, Poland
    Panel speakers for the session on an overview of evolving and emerging sources of adaptation finance.
    Moderator Musonda Mumba, UNEP
    Mattias Frumerie, Sweden, Standing Committee on Finance (SCF)
    Anne Hammill, International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
    Christoph Jungfleisch, YAPU
    Signing of the Host Country Agreement for COP 25
    Carolina Schmidt, COP 25 President-designate, and UNFCCC Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa sign the host country agreement for COP 25, which will take place in Santiago, Chile, in December 2019.
    Chilean media conduct interviews with Chilean dignitaries at the signing event.
    Consultations throughout the Day
    SBI/SBSTA informal consultations on terms of reference for the 2019 review of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts (WIM).
    Delegates read the proposed negotiating text during the SBSTA informal consultations on emissions from fuel used for international aviation and maritime transport.
    SBSTA/SBI informal consultations on the scope of the next periodic review of the long-term global goal under the Convention and of overall progress towards achieving it.
    SBI informal consultations on administrative, financial and institutional matters: programme budget for the biennium 2020–2021.
    SBI informal consultations on matters relating to capacity-building for developing countries.
    Presidency Event on Solidarity and Just Transition for All to Ensure Ambitious Climate Action
    Hosted by the bureau of the COP 24 Presidency, the Ministry of the Environment, Poland, and the International Labour Organization (ILO), the workshop focused on three discussions: climate change and its expected long-term impacts on economies, societies and jobs; shaping governance and policy responses to ensure a just transition for all; and means of implementation and financing for a just transition.
    Aleksandra Tomczak, European Commission
    Artur Lorkowski, Special Envoy on Climate of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Poland
    Patrick Rondeau, Quebec Federation of Labour (FTQ)
    Peter Glynn, BG Associates
    Michał Kurtyka, COP 24 President, Poland
    Moustapha Kamal Gueye, ILO
    Participants ask the panelists questions.
    Around the Venue
    John Hay, UNFCCC Media Relations Officer, conducts an interview with Carolina Schmidt, COP 25 President-designate, and Michał Kurtyka, COP 24 President.
    Panel speakers during a press conference held by Climate Action Network (CAN).
    Michał Kurtyka, COP 24 President, Poland, speaks with Wael Aboulmagd, Egypt
    Ayman Shasly, Saudi Arabia, speaks with the Co-Facilitators of the Budget Group
    Delegates debate budget scenarios in the corridors.
    Delegates from New Zealand.
    Ovais Sarmad, UNFCCC Deputy Executive Secretary, speaks with UNFCCC Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa
    UNFCCC Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa takes a selfie with a friend.
    SBSTA Chair Paul Watkinson, France; Peter Betts, European Climate Foundation; and Ian Fry, Tuvalu
    Stanislas Stephen Mouba, Gabon
    A member of the media records the country host signing agreement for COP 25.
    A delegate visits the IISD Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) webpage.
    Delegates meet informally in the corridors.