Highlights and images for 8 November 2017



The Fiji / Bonn Climate Change Conference continued on Wednesday. In the morning, the Presidency convened an open dialogue among NGO constituency representatives and parties, and a technical workshop on ways to increase the efficiency and transparency of the budget process met. Informal consultations under the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI), Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA), and the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement (APA) throughout the day.

IISD Reporting Services, through its Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) Meeting Coverage, has providing daily web coverage, daily reports, and a summary and analysis report from the Fiji / Bonn Climate Change Conference 2017. The summary and analysis report is now available in HTML and PDF.

Photos by IISD/ENB | Kiara Worth
For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page.

The Presidency's Open Dialogue between UNFCCC NGO Constituency Representatives and Parties

View of the dais during the session

Frank Bainimarama, COP 23/CMP 13/CMA 1-2 President

UNFCCC Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa

Lucas Di Pietro, Argentina

Anabella Rosemberg, Trade Union NGOs (TUNGOs)

Archie Young, UK

Ceris Jones, Farmers

Juan Carlos Arredondo Brun, Mexico

Yungratna Srivastava, Youth NGOs (YOUNGOs)

Deo Saran, Fiji

Facilitators Jean-Pascal van Ypersele, Fiji, and Benito Müller, Oxford Climate Policy

Brendina Drollet, Cook Islands

Paul Oquist Kelley, Nicaragua

Yunus Arikan, Local Governments and Municipal Authorities (LGMAs)

Shradha Shreejaya, Women and Gender

Naoyuki Yamagishi, Environmental NGOs (ENGOs)

View of the room during the session

Contact Groups and Informal Consultations throughout the Day

Informal consultations on APA agenda item 3, further guidance in relation to the mitigation section of the Paris outcome

Delegates gather for the informal consultations on APA agenda item 7, modalities and procedures for the committee to facilitate implementation and promote compliance

SBI informal consultations on coordination of support for the implementation of activities in relation to mitigation actions in the forest sector by developing countries

Informal consultations on APA agenda item 4, further guidance on adaptation communication

SBSTA informal consultations on local communities and indigenous peoples platform

Informal consultations on APA agenda item 6, matters relating to the global stocktake

Civil Society Action

Members of civil society demonstrate outside the conference area

Around the Venue

UNFCCC Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa, and Nazhat Shameem Khan, COP 23/CMP 13/CMA 1-2 Presidency

Frank Bainimarama, COP 23/CMP 13/CMA 1-2 President, and Jean-Pascal van Ypersele, Fiji

Lorena Aguilar, Costa Rica (centre)

Hoesung Lee, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Chair (centre)

Kava, a traditional Fijian drink, is available at the venue


Non-state coalitions