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32nd Meeting of the International Tropical Timber Council
Bali, Indonesia - 13-18 May 2002
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Thursday, 16 May
Delegates began the fourth day of ITTC-32 in a Council session, then broke over the lunch hour into a Chairperson's Open-Ended Drafting Group, the Credentials Committee, and a meeting of the Panel on Sub-Account B of the Bali Partnership Fund. In the afternoon, the Committees on Economic Information and Market Intelligence (CEM), on Forest Industry (CFI) and on Reforestation and Forest Management (CRF) met. The Drafting Group met in the evening and continued its work until midnight. Left: Jürgen Blaser, ITTC Chair (center); and Manoel Sobral Filho, Executive Director of the ITTO (right) during the morning Council Session.
Council Session
Papua New Guinea questioned the desirability of a civil society advisory group. He expressed confusion over the broad meaning of "civil society," and feared that greater participation would result in the ITTO losing its focus.
Colombia and China (right) were among several countries who expressed support and enthusiasm for enhanced civil society participation.
Henri-Felix Maitre presented the finding of the mission in support of the government of the Congo (Brazzaville) for the realization of ITTO Objective 2000 and Sustainable Forest Management.
Following Sayer's presentation, Steward Maginnis, IUCN, discussed forest landscape restauration (FLR) and highlighted the conclusions of a recent FLR workshop held in Costa Rica. The RealAudio of this presentation is contained at the end of Jeffrey Sayer's presentation on the draft ITTO guidelines, available on the right.
Bill Mankin, Global Forest Policy Project, announced the intension of a number of civil society organizations to form a civil society advisory group.
Jean-Prosper Koyo, Former Minister of Forestry of Congo-Brazzaville (left); and Jeffrey Sayer, WWF (below), presented "Strengthening Sustainable Forest Management in Central African Countries (Congo Basin)" (Document ITTC(XXXII)/7). Koyo identified several problems in the region, such as: lack of coordination between countries, the need for indicators for success, and an over-emphasis on commercially-traded wood. Sayer presented a proposal by the mission in his presentation "An ITTO initiative for the Congo Basin". He noted that local structures and capacities do exist and should be built upon, but are under-utilized. Among the recommendations were to: make the programme a WSSD Type-II partnership, focus on support for the sustainable management of concessions near protected areas and increase emphasis on applied research and on training.
Jeffrey Sayer, WWF, presented the draft ITTO guidelines for the restoration, management and rehabilitation of degraded and secondary tropical forest (Document ITTC(XXXII)/6). The guidelines were developed by an Expert Panel convened in Bern, Switzerland, 18-22 February 2002. He noted that degraded landscapes can be important resources especially for the poor, and that these landscapes offer high returns on investment when compared to many other forestry investments.

... between meetings...
Delegates went straight from the morning Council Session into the lunch-hour meetings of the Chairperson's Open-Ended Drafting Group, the Credentials Committee, and the Panel on Sub-Account B of the Bali Partnership Fund. Luckily the Indonesian hosts arranged for a delicious lunch to be available for them outside the meeting rooms.

No breaks at ITTC-32: participants in the Drafting Group ate as they began their work (more photos below).

Other meetings

The Panel on Sub-Account B of the Bali Partnership Fund was chaired by Kayoko Fukushima (Japan, second from right).
Above and below: The Chairperson's Open-Ended
Drafting Group in session.

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