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Thirty-seventh Session of the International Tropical Timber Council and Associated Sessions of the Committees

13-18 December 2004, Yokohama, Japan

 Earth Negotiations Bulletin - ENB
  English   French
Daily Web coverage
 Wed 15
 Sat 18  &

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Highlights for Wednesday, 15 December 2004


In the morning delegates convened in the Committee on Reforestation and Forest Management (CRF) to consider, inter alia, policy work and reports on completed projects, and in the Committee on Finance and Administration (CFA) to discuss the organization’s financial accounts. Delegates also met in the Committees on Economic Information and Market Intelligence (CEM) and on Forest Industry (CFI) to consider, inter alia, project and pre-projects and policy work. In the afternoon, delegates convened in Plenary to discuss ITTO Objective 2000 and forest law enforcement in the context of sustainable timber production and trade.

Above photo L-R: Dais during the morning CRF session with Hiras Sidabatur (ITTO), Emmanuel Ze Meka (ITTO), CRF Chair A.S.K. Boachie-Dapaah, CRF Vice-chair Jennifer Conje and John Leigh (ITTO)


Delegates heard a project progress report on development of human resources in SFM and reduced impact logging in Brazil. 
Above photo: Tasso Rezende de Azevedo (Brazil)

On review of guidelines for the conservation of biodiversity in tropical timber producing forests, FRANCE supported Norway's and IUCN's recommendation on including forest plantations. 
Above photo: Henri-Felix Maître (France)

The US supported Brazil's recommendation on using the landscape approach instead of the ecosystem approach. 
Above photo: Alicia Grimes (US)

INDONESIA said the guidelines for the conservation of biodiversity in tropical timber producing forests should focus on the sub-national scale. Above photo L-R: Petrus Gunarso and Sri Murniningtyas (Indonesia)


MALAYSIA lamented declining voluntary contributions for project funding. Above photo L-R: Penguang Manggil, Zulkarnain Abd Kadir, Norchahaya Hashim, Aimi Lee, Norini Haron, Awang Mentali, Frederick Kugan.  

Chair Ellis (far right) noted during the CFA session on financial accounts that the ITTO Secretariat is continually asked to do more work with less funds. Above photo: Monoel Sobral Filho, ITTO Executive Director, Ambassador Carlos Antonio Da Rocha Paranhos (Brazil) and CFA Chair Chris Ellis


Delegates heard a progress report on a project on non-timber production and sustainable development in the Brazilian Amazon. Above photo: Floriano Pastore Jr. (ITTO consultant)

Delegates approved a project proposal on enhancement of a forest statistics information and management system through the integration of a computer module for processed log management in Gabon. Above photo: Celestine Ntsame-Okwo (Gabon)

VENEZUELA regretted that proposed language on the market effects of subsidies and on the use of case studies had been omitted in the revised draft TOR. Above photo: Renzo Siliva (Venezuela)

Charlotte Cudby (New Zealand) (above), reminded the session on CEM/CFI about the need to discuss the revised draft terms of reference (TOR) for studies on subsidies affecting tropical timber products.


Above photo: View of the plenary during the afternoon Council session.

Above photo: Delegates watching one of the presentations during the  council session in the afternoon. 

Above photo L-R: Council Vice-Chairperson Alhassan Attah, Council Chairperson Jan McAlpine and ITTO Executive Director Manoel Sobral Filho

Alberto Goetzl, consultant, presented the report on case studies on assessing export and import data on tropical timber and timber products (ITTC(XXXVII)/8 Rev.1).

Jeff Sayer, WWF, presented a report on achieving ITTO Objective 2000 and SFM in Cambodia (ITTC(XXXVII)/5).

Olav Jensen (Norway) presented a report on achieving ITTO Objective 2000 and SFM in Panama (ITTC(XXXVII)/7).

ittc-37 ENB SNAPSHOTS:  

Above photos L-R: Katharina Kuehmayer (Austria); Patricia Hanashiro (ITTO) in consultation with Sai Guohua (China); CFI Chair Astrid Bergquist reading the ENB.

Above photo L-R: Meng  Yong Qing (China); Y. Bhg. Dato’ Dr. Freezailah bin Che Yeom (Malaysia) (center) in consultation with delegates from Malaysia; Kanako Sakaguchi (ITTO)

Links |

ITTO website, with provisional program, documents
for the meeting, and information about the ITTO.
ENB summary from ITTC-36: (HTML, PDF, TEXT).
ENB summary from ITTC-35: (HTML, PDF, TEXT).
ENB summary from ITTA: English (HTML, PDF, TEXT) - French (PDF).
Linkages forests, desertification and land issues page,
including a brief introduction to global forest policy. 
UNFF Secretariat


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