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On its fourth day, ITTC-51 continued discussions regarding the selection of the new ITTO executive director, with only two candidates remaining: Gerhard Dieterle, Germany, and Eduardo Mansur, Brazil. If consensus remains elusive, this will be put to a vote before the end of this session.
Council also discussed draft ITTO Guidelines on Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women, and a report on the merits of creating ITTO regional offices.
At lunch, the Civil Society Advisory Group (CSAG) held a side event on Forest Governance and Conversion of Forest to Plantations.
In the afternoon, the Committee on Finance and Administration (CFA) discussed the Biennial Administrative Budget and Contributions to the Administrative Budget, while the Committee on Economics, Statistics and Markets and the Committee on Forest Industry (CEM-CFI) met to discuss policy work including market access and forest certification.
An informal working group continued discussions on a decision on admitting observers to ITTC meetings. |
+ IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB Meeting Coverage, provided daily web coverage from the 51st Session of the International Tropical Timber Council and Associated Sessions of the Committees (ITTC-51). A full summary and brief analysis of ITTC-51 is available in HTML and PDF format.
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