
Highlights and images for 20 June 2024

Washington, DC, United States of America

The 67th meeting of the GEF Council, the 36th meeting of the Least Developed Countries Fund/Special Climate Change Fund (LDCF/SCCF) Council, and the 2nd meeting of the Global Biodiversity Framework Fund (GBFF) Council concluded their deliberations on a heavy agenda. The closing sessions for each Council meeting confirmed the decisions taken throughout the four days of meetings.

CMR - GEF67 - 20June2024

Noemi Hernández Rodríguez Borjas, Council Secretary, GEF Secretariat, and Carlos Manuel Rodríguez, GEF CEO and Chairperson

Key decisions taken by the Councils included the first ever work program for the newly established GBFF, which includes three projects for a total of USD 37.82 million. The largest ever LDCF work program, in the amount of USD 203 million, includes projects and programs across 20 countries. The LDCF program proposals will support a global program focused on adaptation innovation and a multi-trust fund program for the Great Green Wall Initiative. The work program adopted for the GEF Trust Fund consists of 25 projects and programs amounting to USD 495.6 million. With this agreement, 59% of the entire GEF-8 envelope has been programmed halfway into the replenishment period.

On Thursday, in addition to the approval of the Co-Chairs’ summaries of the three Council meetings, the LDCF/SCCF Council also considered the progress report of the LDCF and SCCF, the FY25 administrative budget and business plan for the LDCF and SCCF, and the FY25 work program and budget for the Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) of the GEF under the LDCF and SCCF.

Dais during session - GEF67 - 20June2024

Jason Spensley, GEF Secretariat

On the Progress Report on the LDCF and SCCF, Samanthia Justin, Council Member from St. Lucia, provided insights on a recent expanded constituency workshop (ECW) that took place for Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS). She indicated the participating countries discussed climate adaptation challenges and best practices and solutions. In addition, each participant at the ECW designed a GEF project based on their country’s priorities. She thanked the donors to the SCCF and called for more pledges focused on technology transfer and the private sector.

On the FY25 Administrative Budget and Business Plan for the LDCF and the SCCF, Council Members addressed developments and achievements related to:

  • two work programs requesting over USD 400 million of LDCF/SCCF resources;
  • support to LDCs and SIDS; and
  • implementation of the inclusive GEF Assembly Challenge Program.

Council Members also reviewed and approved the three dedicated programs for FY25 on: communication and visibility enhancement; outreach and capacity support; and organizational learning and coordination.

Chizuru Aoki, GEF Secretariat   - GEF67 - 20June2024

Chizuru Aoki, GEF Secretariat

The LDCF/SCCF Council also reviewed and approved the FY25 Work Program and Budget for the IEO of the GEF under the LDCF and SCCF, including the IEO LDCF/SCCF Annual Evaluation Report (AER) 2024, providing an overview of the performance of the Funds, which happen biannually. The AER 2024 has identified several cross-cutting priorities and considerations to address climate change adaptation effectively, namely: 

  • strengthening innovation; 
  • private sector engagement; 
  • gender equality; 
  • youth empowerment; 
  • resilience to climate and non-climate related shocks;
  • institutional capacity development; and
  • climate adaptation awareness raising.

At the close of the GEF Council, Elected Co-Chair Dawda Badgie expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to co-chair the meeting and thanked all participants for their hard work. He underscored that the planet is facing all kinds of environmental problems impacting the health and survival of all life. He reminded participants that addressing global environmental changes and biodiversity loss requires a systematic approach and working together. GEF CEO Rodriguez thanked the Secretariat for their participation. The meeting closed at 11:07 am.

All ENB photos are free to use with attribution. For this event, please use: Photo by IISD/ENB | Angeles Estrada Vigil

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