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26th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties (CoP-26)
to the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI)

20-21 June 2018 | Antigua, Guatemala

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Press Conference: SAC Chair Edwin Castellanos; IAI Executive Director Marcos Regis da Silva; CoP Chair Oscar Cobar; Rafael Barrios, Guatemala; and EC Chair Maria Uhle

The 26th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (CoP-26) to the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) met in Antigua, Guatemala, from 20-21 June 2018. More than 50 delegates representing government, academia and civil society attended the conference. The CoP was preceded by the 45th meeting of the Executive Council (EC-45), a Science-Policy Workshop, and the joint meeting of the CoP’s advisory bodies: the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) and the Science-Policy Advisory Committee (SPAC).

During the CoP, presentations were made on: Mayan science, culture and civilization; Science-Policy Workshop recommendations; science and technology impact projects in Guatemala; and climate action in Guatemala.

The CoP adopted more than 30 decisions related to, inter alia: financial and budgetary matters; a long-term communication strategy and plan; a 25th anniversary publication; the IAI Scientific Agenda; open data policy; and fundraising-related issues. The CoP also: retired the decision on the Tripartite Agreement; added three new IAI Associates, namely Rede Clima, Future Earth, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS); elected new EC and SAC members; and accepted Ecuador’s offer to host CoP-27.

IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB+ Meeting Coverage, has provided a summary report from IAI CoP-26, which is available in HTML and PDF.

SAC Chair Edwin Castellanos

Gladys Santis, Chile, and Gabriel Aintablian, Uruguay, during EC and SAC elections

Tata Felix Sarazua, a representative from the Sotz’il, a Mayan indigenous community, making a presentation on Mayan science

Representatives from the Sotz’il Mayan indigenous group conducted a Mayan ceremony representing appreciation of, and communication with, nature

Group photo of participants

Funding for IISD Reporting Services coverage of IAI CoP-26 has been provided by IAI