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5th Global Meeting of the Mountain Partnership

Mountains Under Pressure: Climate, Hunger, Migration

11-13 December 2017 | Headquarters of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Rome, Italy

Summary Highlights, 11 December - 13 December 2017

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Mountain Partnership Global Meeting

The Global Meeting votes on an amendment to the governance issues of the Mountain Partnership

Mountain Partnership Global Meeting

The Fifth Global Meeting of the Mountain Partnership considers its achievements, priorities and challenges

Highlights for Wednesday, 13 December 2017

The Fifth Global Meeting of the Mountain Partnership met for the final day on Wednesday to “gear up” the Partnership and consider how best to support the implementation of the Framework for Action. Organizers of the side events held on Tuesday reported on the respective outcomes of events on: promoting mountain products to improve local economies and livelihoods; education in mountains; the launch of the Mountain 2018 platform; understanding landscape and watershed management in mountains; science and research for evidence-informed policy and action on the ground; and the Andean Mechanism. Throughout the day, members focused on the internal governance of the Partnership by considering: the inclusion of Central Asia as an additional region; nomination, endorsement and election of Steering Committee members for the period 2017-2021; setting priorities and identifying the main areas of work for the next biennium, including advocacy, capacity development, joint action, communication, and setting regional and thematic topics; and considering the meeting outcomes and steps going forward.

During lunchtime, participants took part in a speed-geeking session, engaging with different challenges and experiences related to sustainable management of mountain ecosystems and ways to engage with mountain people.

During the final session, the donor countries of Italy and Switzerland, FAO as host of the Secretariat, and the outgoing Chair and Coordinator provided concluding remarks. The meeting closed at 5:06 pm, after which the newly-elected Steering Committee met to consider its work for the next biennium.

IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB+ Meeting Coverage, has provided daily web updates and a summary report from the 5th Global Meeting of the Mountain Partnership in HTML and PDF.

Photos by FAO | Roberto Cenciarelli

+ Visit the web coverage for Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Reports from Side Events

Michele Freppaz, University of Turin, reported on the event on education in mountains. ©FAO

Giorgio Grussu, FAO, reported on the event on promoting mountain products to improve local economies and livelihoods. ©FAO

Election of the Steering Committee

The Mountain Partnership Looks Ahead

Panel (L-R): Thomas Hofer, Mountain Partnership Secretariat Coordinator; Sam Kanyamibwa, Executive Director, Albertine Rift Conservation Society (ARCOS); and Andrew Taber, Steering Committee Chair ©FAO

Dominican Republic emphasized the need to use community-based approaches. ©FAO

The Philippines urged partnering with international tourism organizations to communicate the mountain message. ©FAO

Discussion and Conclusions

Panel (L-R): Grammenos Mastrojeni, Assistant Director-General, Coordinator for the Environment, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Italy; Hiroto Mitsugi, Assistant Director-General, Forestry Department, FAO; François Pythoud, Permanent Representative of Switzerland to FAO, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and World Food Programme (WFP), Switzerland; Thomas Hofer, Coordinator, Mountain Partnership Secretariat; Andrey Kushlin, Deputy Director, Forest Policy and Resources Division, Forestry Department, FAO; and Andrew Taber, Chair, Mountain Partnership Steering Committee ©FAO

Hiroto Mitsugi, Assistant Director-General, Forestry Department, FAO ©FAO

Session moderator Andrey Kushlin gavelled the meeting to a close. ©FAO

Applause for the members of the Mountain Partnership Secretariat

Highlights for Tuesday, 12 December 2017

The Fifth Global Meeting of the Mountain Partnership continued on Tuesday, with an early morning report on progress made and achievements since the Fourth Global Meeting in 2013. Thomas Hofer, Coordinator of the Mountain Partnership Secretariat, provided a summary of activities and challenges, highlighting the objectives, governance structure and composition, and achievements of the Partnership, urging members to “move from the opera house to the stadium” in broadening the advocacy and communication functions. This was followed by Steering Committee members reporting back on the achievements, priorities and challenges in their constituencies.

In the afternoon, members attended a panel session on resource mobilization, which included reports from major players sharing their experiences in the private sector, the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO).

The day concluded with an internal meeting of the members of the Mountain Partnership providing feedback on governance issues, including considering options on membership fees, the inclusion of Central Asia as a separate region, selecting alternate Steering Committee members, an approach to dealing with inactive members, the hosting arrangement of the Secretariat, and deletion of the Mountain Partnership’s function of “innovation.”

In the evening, three side events were held, focusing on: understanding landscape and watershed management in mountains; science and research for evidence-informed policy and action on the ground - experiences and outlook in mountain-specific cases; and the Andean Mechanism. The day concluded with a dinner hosted by FAO.

IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB+ Meeting Coverage, will provide daily web updates and a summary report from the 5th Global Meeting of the Mountain Partnership. Please return to this site on Friday, 15 December 2017, for the summary and analysis report.

Photos by FAO | Roberto Cenciarelli

+ Visit the web coverage for Tuesday, 12 December 2017

The Mountain Partnership’s Global Achievements, Priorities and Challenges

Thomas Hofer, Coordinator, Mountain Partnership Secretariat, and Eva Müller, Director, Forestry Policy and Resources Division, Forestry Department, FAO ©FAO

Thomas Hofer reports on the Mountain Partnership's progress since 2013. ©FAO

Eva Müller assured members of FAO’s continued commitment to hosting and supporting the Secretariat. ©FAO

Reports by Steering Committee Members

Andrew Taber, Chair, Mountain Partnership Steering Committee ©FAO

Mexico, for the governments of North and Central America and the Caribbean ©FAO

ICIMOD, for Civil Society of Asia and the Pacific ©FAO

Nepal, speaking on behalf of Asia and the Pacific ©FAO

Resource Mobilization

Panel (L-R): Arjun Gupta, TeleSoft Partners; René Castro Salazar, Assistant Director-General, Climate, Biodiversity, Land and Water Department, FAO; Moderator Andrey Kushlin, Deputy Director, Forest Policy and Resources Division, Forestry Department, FAO; Sameer Karki, Global Environment Facility (GEF) Coordination Unit, Climate and Environment Division, FAO; and Tehmina Akhtar, Deputy Global Manager, GEF Small Grants Programme, UN Development Programme (UNDP) ©FAO

René Castro Salazar, Assistant Director-General, Climate, Biodiversity, Land and Water Department, FAO ©FAO

Tehmina Akhtar, Deputy Global Manager, GEF Small Grants Programme, UNDP ©FAO

Governance Issues

Andrew Taber, Mountain Partnership Steering Committee Chair, and Thomas Hofer, Mountain Partnership Secretariat Coordinator, invite members to provide feedback on governance issues. ©FAO

Sam Kanyamibwa, Albertine Rift Conservation Society ©FAO

Altaire Cambata, Aspen International Mountain Foundation ©FAO

Highlights for Monday, 11 December 2017

The Fifth Global Meeting of the Mountain Partnership opened on Monday, 11 December 2017, in Rome, Italy, under the theme ‘Mountains under pressure: climate, hunger, migration.’ International Mountain Day coincided with the first day of the meeting, and participants heard high-level statements and a keynote speech by Petteri Taalas, Secretary-General, World Meteorological Organization (WMO), in the morning. Representatives from the founding members of the Mountain Partnership conveyed their appreciation for progress made during the 15 years of the organization’s existence, including the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), the governments of Italy and Switzerland, and UN Environment. This was followed by remarks by the Mountain Partnership Ambassadors, including from: His Holiness Drikung Kyabgön Chetsang, head of the Drikung Kagyu order of Tibetan Buddhism; Arjun Gupta, TeleSoft Partners; and Jake Norton, MountainWorld Productions.

The Framework for Action was launched, followed by government statements, and four sessions on the Framework and linkages to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. On the challenges and responses of the Framework and the 2030 Agenda, panelists discussed: the relationship between mountains and climate change and disaster risk management, and food and water; mountains and their goods and services; and mountain communities and migration.

The high-level segment concluded with a panel session during which panelists showcased practical approaches towards making the Framework work, including from the Kyrgyz Republic, the Secretariat of the Global Snow Leopard and Ecosystem Protection Program, the Aga Khan Development Network, the Global Island Partnership, and the Carpathian Convention.

International Mountain Day and the 15th anniversary of the Mountain Partnership was celebrated appropriately during an evening reception.

IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB+ Meeting Coverage, will provide daily web updates and a summary report from the 5th Global Meeting of the Mountain Partnership. Please return to this site on Friday, 15 December 2017, for the summary and analysis report.

Photos by FAO | Roberto Cenciarelli

+ Visit the web coverage for Monday, 11 December 2017

Opening of the High-Level Segment and Celebration of International Mountain Day

Panel (L-R): Jake Norton, MountainWorld Productions; Arjun Gupta, TeleSoft Partners; Andrea Olivero, Vice Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policy, Italy; His Holiness Drikung Kyabgön Chetsang, head of the Drikung Kagyu order of Tibetan Buddhism; Thomas Hofer, Coordinator, Mountain Partnership Secretariat; Maria Helena Semedo, Deputy Director-General, FAO; Andrew Taber, Executive Director, The Mountain Institute and Chair, Mountain Partnership Steering Committee; Dominique Kohli, Assistant Director-General, Federal Office for Agriculture, Switzerland; and Matthias Jurek, Programme Management Officer, UN Environment ©FAO

Andrea Olivero, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policy, Italy ©FAO

Maria Helena Semedo, Deputy Director-General, FAO ©FAO

Winner in the General Category of the Mountains Matter Video Contest, Jaya Setiawan Gulo ©FAO

Winner in the Professional Category of the Mountains Matter Video Contest, Nurlan Anarbaev ©FAO

Goodwill Ambassadors for Mountains: Arjun Gupta, TeleSoft Partners; His Holiness Drikung Kyabgön Chetsang; and Jake Norton, MountainWorld Productions ©FAO

Launch of the Framework for Action

Panel (L-R): Petteri Taalas, Secretary-General, World Meteorological Organization (WMO); Dominique Kohli, Assistant Director-General, Federal Office for Agriculture, Switzerland; and Grammenos Mastrojeni, Assistant Director-General, Coordinator for the Environment, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Italy ©FAO

The Framework of Action and the 2030 Agenda - Challenges and Responses

Panel (L-R): Thomas Hofer, Coordinator, Mountain Partnership Secretariat; Mumtaz Kassam, Permanent Representation of Uganda to FAO; and Laurie Vasily, Knowledge and Communication Manager, International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)

Carolina Adler, Executive Director, Mountain Research Initiative ©FAO

Shukri Ahmed, Deputy Strategic Programme Leader – Resilience, FAO ©FAO

Making the Global Framework Work - Showcasing Practical Approaches

Matt Reed, Chief Executive Officer, Aga Khan Foundation, Aga Khan Development Network ©FAO

Moderator Tehmina Akhtar, Deputy Global Manager, Global Environment Facility (GEF) Small Grants Programme, UN Development Programme (UNDP) ©FAO

Hersey Kyota, Ambassador of the Republic of Palau to the US and Board Chair, Global Island Partnership ©FAO

Matthias Jurek, Programme Management Officer, UN Environment ©FAO

Daily Web CoverageAbout | 11 Dec | 12 Dec | 13 Dec | Summary
Specific funding for coverage of the 5th Global Meeting of the Mountain Partnership, has been provided by FAO