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United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)United Nations
Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB)
Sat., 21 March 2009
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Eighth Round of Informal Consultations of States Parties to the UNFSA (Fish Stocks Agreement)

16-19 March 2009 | UN headquarters, New York, US

Daily highlights, Tuesday 17 March 2009
Delegates discuss the morning's proceedings before going to lunch.

The eighth round of informal consultations on the UN Fish Stocks Agreement met for the second day on Tuesday, and concluded discussion of the agenda item on continuing dialogue. In the morning, delegates completed consideration of the item on capacity building and then considered the compatibility of conservation and management measures for the high seas with those of areas under national jurisdiction. In the afternoon, delegates considered cooperation in enforcement and port State measures. Moderator Morishita said he expected to present a written summary Wednesday morning.

L-R: Katy Lin, Australia; and Zhou Yong, China.
Driss Meski, International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas, prepares to give his presentation on compatibility of conservation and management measures. Ambassador David Balton in the background.
Related Links
Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks resources
Meeting homepage
Provisional agenda
Draft Programme of Work
Revised draft Organization of Work
Report of the seventh round of Informal Consultations of States Parties

IISD RS resources
IISD RS coverage of Seventh Informal Consultations of States Parties to the UNFSA, 11-12 March 2008, New York, U.S.
IISD RS coverage of Sixth Informal Consultations of States Parties to the UNFSA, 23-24 April 2007, New York, U.S.
IISD RS coverage of UNFSA Review Conference, 22-26 May 2006, UNHQ, New York, U.S.
ENB archives of meetings related to the UNFSA
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