International Financial Institution

Global Environment Facility (GEF)

Content associated with Global Environment Facility (GEF)

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Day 1 | GEF Council 61

Carlos Manuel Rodríguez, CEO and Chairperson, GEF, and Mette Møglestue, Norway, GEF Council Elected Chairperson for 2021
Media item

60th Meeting of the GEF Council

The 60th meeting of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Council adopted a Work Program worth USD 281.1 million that includes eight stand-alone full-sized projects on international waters, four on biodiversity, three on climate change mitigation, and two on chemicals and waste.
Event 14 June 2021 - 18 June 2021

59th Meeting of the GEF Council

The Council meetings included extensive discussions of the COVID-19 pandemic, deliberating the pandemic’s impact on project management, and considered a white paper by the GEF COVID-19 Task Force outlining how environmental action can reduce future threats of disease outbreak. The GEF Council also endorsed a new private sector engagement strategy, outlining how the GEF will work in a systematic manner with industry groups, companies, and investors to reverse unsustainable global trends and deliver global environmental benefits.
Event 4 December 2020 - 12 December 2020

58th Meeting of the GEF Council

The Global Environment Facility Council's 58th meeting appointed a new CEO and Chairperson. Carlos Manuel Rodríguez, Costa Rica's Environment and Energy Minister, will lead the GEF, with Naoko Ishii leaving after eight years. The GEF Council also agreed a work program with resources totaling USD 645.4 million. The GEF Council met online for the first time due to COVID-19. 
Event 2 June 2020 - 3 June 2020