25th Open-ended Working Group of the Parties to
the Montreal Protocol and Second
Extraordinary Meeting of the Parties
27 June - 1 July 2005, Montreal,
Earth Negotiations Bulletin - ENB
Click on the above days to view previous ENB Web coverage.
for Friday, 1 July 2005
Delegates to the Second Extraordinary Meeting of the Parties to
the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer
(ExMOP-2) met in Plenary on Friday, beginning at 10 am. Following
introductory remarks by ExMOP-2 President Allan Flores Moya (Costa Rica), Executive
Secretary Gonzales welcomed participants on behalf of UNEP
Executive Director, Klaus Töpfer, and
highlighted the purpose of the ExMOP-2 and the work to be completed.
Delegates then heard a statement from Canada on Canada Day celebrations.
Subsequently, President Moya, opened the
meeting, and the agenda was adopted. MBTOC Co-Chair Jonathan Banks
presented MBTOC’s final report on 2006 CUNs, and delegates discussed the President’s
proposed decision on critical-use exemptions for 2006, which was adopted
without amendment. After brief statements from the Parties, ExMOP-2
closed at 11:42 am.
Above photo L-R: The dais during the session of the Second
Extraordinary Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on
Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (ExMOP-2) with Megumi Seki
(Ozone Secretariat), Allan Flores Moya,
ExMOP-2 President, Executive Secretary Gonzales and Rodica Ella Morohoi
(Romania), Rapporteur.
the ExMOP on Friday, 1 July 2005, ExMOP President Moya
(above center) welcomed participants, provided an overview of the
purpose of the meeting, and noted that the informal consultations he
had requested prior to the meeting had proved to be extremely useful,
and had resulted in a draft decision for consideration.
Executive Secretary Marco Gonzales (above left) then welcomed
participants on behalf of UNEP Executive Director, Klaus Töpfer. After summarizing the purpose of the
ExMOP-2, he then urged participants to step back from issues in the
methyl bromide process and consider what has been achieved through the
Montreal Protocol. He noted that there was no doubt of Parties’
commitment to finding alternatives to methyl bromide, even for its
vital uses, that large reductions in the use of methyl bromide have already
been achieved, and that the methyl bromide reduction curve is much
stepper than that for MDIs. He stressed the
need to avoid complacency, as the ODP of methyl bromide will be
eliminated if work continues.
Barry Stemshorn (Canada)(above right), then thanked those who were involved
in the preparatory work for this meeting, and invited participants to
share in Canada Day activities that night.
President Moya then introduced, and delegates adopted,
the provisional agenda without amendment. Participants then supported
the organization of work, as presented.
MBTOC Co-Chair Jonathan Banks presented MBTOC’s
final report on 2006 CUNs involved in Section
III to Annex 1 to decision XVI/2 and those that MBTOC was previously
“unable to assess,” including a summary of the CUNs made, and the process and standard
presumptions used by MBTOC in assessing them. Assessments were done on
a case-by-case basis, with bilateral meetings where requested, included
one field visit to a key methyl bromide-using region, and used the same
standard assumptions as in the first round of CUNs
in 2004. He then noted that the total CUNs
made by Parties in 2006 were now 15541 tons, 13466 tons of which MBTOC
was recommending. He then stated that detailed information on each of
these issues could be found in the TEAP report.
President then presented the proposed decision on the supplemental CUNs that came out of the extensive informal
negotiations that took place between the US, the EC, and nine
other Parties throughout the week. After comments from Syria and Bangladesh, the decision
was adopted without amendment.
Above photos L-R: MBTOC Co-Chair Jonathan Banks; Jafar Ahmed Chowdhury
(Bangladesh); Khaled Klaly (Syria); John Thompson and
Claudia McMurray (US)
The meeting report was adopted, with the Parties entrusting the
Secretariat to complete the report.
Parties then made closing statements, and ExMOP-2
President Allan Flores Moya (Costa Rica)
(left) gaveled the meeting to a close at
11:42 am.
This service was prepared in
cooperation with the Ozone Secretariat