Baby carrots

Highlights and images for 19 September 2024

Headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), Rome, Italy

Building trust and enabling willingness to compromise is a challenge in any negotiation process. On the last day of its meeting, the Working Group addressed these issues in an informal exchange of views on lessons learned and ways to reach consensus.  

Participants also discussed future steps in the process towards enhancing the Treaty’s Multilateral System (MLS) of access and benefit-sharing, in light of the rapidly approaching deadline of the 11th session of the Treaty’s Governing Body, scheduled for November 2025.  

Gertrude Ngo Bahoya Mbom, Africa

Gertrude Ngo Bahoya Mbom, Africa

The informal discussion reflected continued contrasting views on digital sequence information (DSI), the subscription system, and amendment of Annex I. The new subscription mechanism with two benefit-sharing triggers, proposed by the Co-Chairs, was identified as a promising way forward, with regional consultations and intersessional work providing opportunities to improve understanding, strengthen collaboration, and enable compromises.

Participants reiterated the link between enhanced benefit-sharing flows and expansion of Annex I as the two pillars of the enhancement process; and underscored the need for a system that is attractive to both users and providers of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture.  

The Working Group agreed on future work proposed the Co-Chairs, which includes: 

  • an informal meeting in December 2024, to discuss items related to DSI and mutual supportiveness with the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), following the 16th meeting of the CBD Conference of the Parties in October 2024; 
  • drafting groups on direct use of material from the MLS for cultivation, and on the new subscription mechanism;  
  • regional consultations on the amendment of Annex I; 
  • seed industry consultations on payment rates and interest in subscribing; and 
  • two Working Group meetings, in March/April and June 2025. 

Co-Chairs Michael Ryan (Australia) and Sunil Archak (India) will present an updated proposal ahead of the 13th meeting of the Working Group.  

ITPGRFA OEWG12 Family Photo

Family photo of the Working Group

In the afternoon, the Working Group adopted the report of the meeting, including lists of elements for the Co-Chairs to consider in updating their proposal. 

The Co-Chairs expressed their appreciation to participants, Secretariat, staff, and the Earth Negotiations Bulletin for their commitment to the process. The meeting closed at 6:50 pm CEST.

All ENB photos are free to use with attribution. For the 12th Meeting of the Ad Hoc Open ended Working Group to Enhance the Functioning of the ITPGRFA Multilateral System, please use: Photo by IISD/ENB | Mika Schroder.