On Thursday, 25 June 2015, the Sixth Session of the Post-2015 Intergovernmental Negotiations completed its discussion of the follow-up and review chapter of the zero draft that had begun on Wednesday, and discussed the chapter on means of implementation (MOI) and the global partnership.
After an introduction from Co-Facilitator Macharia Kamau (Kenya), to note that the negotiations on the outcome of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD3) had not yet concluded, governments addressed the relationship between the FfD3 agreement, on one hand, and the MOI targets throughout the SDGs as well as Goal 17 in particular, on the other hand, and also how to incorporate the Addis Ababa outcome text into the post-2015 outcome document. While many welcomed the zero draft’s indication that the MOI targets are only included as a “placeholder” pending the FfD3 outcome, many others said the two processes are distinct and that the FfD3 agreement will not be sufficient to ensure implementation of all the SDGs and targets.
Closing the session, the Co-Facilitators noted that they will produce a “final zero draft” within the next couple of weeks, before the final, two-week negotiating session that begins on 20 July 2015. They expressed confidence that negotiations can be concluded within the planned timeframe, because while there may not be many areas of consensus at the moment, the “differences are not insurmountable.” The meeting was adjourned at 12:55 pm.
IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB Meeting Coverage, provided daily web updates and a summary and analysis from the 6th Session of the Post-2015 Intergovernmental Negotiations (Intergovernmental Negotiations on the Outcome Document), which took place from 22 to 25 June 2015, from UN Headquarters in New York. Our summary and analysis report is available in HTML and PDF. Available in ENB Mobile at: http://enb.iisd.mobi/post2015-in6/
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