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3 March   HTML version PDF format
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Water Policy & Practice
Post-2015 Development Agenda Consultation on Water: Water Resources Management and Wastewater Management and Water Quality

27-28 February 2013 | Geneva, Switzerland
Highlights for Thursday, 28 February 2013
Daily web coverage (click on the following links to see our daily web pages)
Post-2015 Development Agenda Consultation on Water

The Post-2015 Development Agenda Consultation on Water: Water Resources Management and Wastewater Management and Water Quality continued on 28 February 2013, at the Palais des Nations, in Geneva, Switzerland. The meeting, sponsored by the Government of Switzerland, is part of the Thematic Consultation on Water, coordinated by UN-Water, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA). The meeting focused on two of the three streams of discussion under the Thematic Consultation: Water Resources Management (WRM), facilitated by the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE); and Wastewater Management and Water Quality (WWMWQ), facilitated by UN-Habitat/AquaFed.

In the morning, participants split into six groups on: pollution, protection, water quality and ecosystems; resilience and climate change; transboundary cooperation; balancing uses and allocation; efficiency and reuse; and governance. These groups spent the morning discussing three questions: what should be the future objectives to address the key water-related issue in a post-2015 development agenda; what actions should be taken to achieve these objectives and can success be measured; and how are such objectives linked to other themes of the global thematic consultation? In the afternoon, rapporteurs reported on the results of the group discussions, followed by a question and answer session and general debate. The meeting concluded at 5:34 pm.

The IISD-RS Summary Report of the Post-2015 Development Agenda Consultation will be available at this site on 3 March 2013.

The “Broken Chair” sculpture with the Palais des Nations in the background.
From L-R: Mark Smith, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN); Federico Properzi, UN-Water; Francesca Bernardini, UNECE; Mohamed Ait-Kadi, Technical Committee Chair, Global Water Partnership (GWP); Jack Moss, AquaFed; and Blanca Jiménez-Cisneros, Director, Division of Water Sciences, and Secretary, International Hydrological Programme, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Discussion Groups
Discussion Group on Balancing Uses and Allocation
Discussion Group on Governance
Discussion Group on Efficiency and Reuse
Discussion Group on Pollution, Protection, Water Quality and Ecosystems
Discussion Group on Resilience and Climate Change
Discussion Group on Transboundary Cooperation
Discussion Groups Reporting to the Plenary
Federico Properzi, UN-Water
Sonja Koeppel, UNECE
Francesca Bernardini, UNECE
Mark Smith, IUCN
Mohamed Ait-Kadi, Technical Committee Chair, GWP
Jack Moss, AquaFed
Pasquale Steduto, Chief, Water Resources, Development and Management Service, Land and Water Development Division, Food and Agriculture Organization
Blanca Jiménez-Cisneros, Director, Division of Water Sciences, and Secretary, International Hydrological Programme, UNESCO
Closing Session
François Münger, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
Carlos Ortuño Yañez, Vice-Minister of Water Resources, Bolivia
George Yarngo, Assistant Minister of Public Works, Liberia
Maarten Gischler, Deputy Head, Water and Environment, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Netherlands
Participants Networking
Exhibition: History as News
"War Ends," marking the end of the First World War. The newspaper asks its readers to celebrate the news by making as much noise as possible with bells, horns and whistles. 11 November 1918, Boston American
"No pasarán" (They shall not pass). These two Spanish words became the motto of the fight against fascism during the Spanish Civil War (1936-69). Its origins can be traced back to the First World War when French General Robert Nivelle, used it in the Battle of Verdun, altough it was also attributed to Field-Marshall Philippe Petain. 25 July 1936, El Diluvio, Barcelona
"Mahatma Ghandi a Martyr to Assassin's Bullets. Hit by Four Shots at Close Range: World Shocked by News of Delhi Outrage; Assailant Arrested," 31 January 1948, Dawn, Karachi. First published in 1941 in Delhi, in what was then British-ruled India
Funding for coverage of this meeting has been provided by the
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
Related Links
Consultation resources
*Consultation website and documents
*Consultation agenda
*Consultation information note
*The Post-2015 Water Thematic Consultation

IISD RS resources
*IISD RS coverage of the Global Thematic Consultation on Addressing Inequalities in the Post-2015 Development Agenda, 18-19 February 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark
*SDG - A mailing list focused on internationally-relevant activities related to setting the post-2015 development agenda
*Water Policy & Practice - A Knowledgebase of Activities Addressing Sustainable Water and Sanitation
*Sustainable Development Policy & Practice - A Knowledgebase of Activities Contributing to International Sustainable Development
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