
Biological diversity, or biodiversity, is most often associated with the earth’s vast variety of plants, animals, and microorganisms, but the term encompasses diversity at all levels—from genes to species to ecosystems to landscapes. Scientists estimate there are approximately 8.7 million species globally, of which approximately 2.2 million are marine. In spite of 250 years of research and over 1.2 million species already identified, it is possible 86% of existing species on Earth and 91% of species in the ocean still await description.

In each ecosystem, including those that occur within or among forests, wetlands, mountains, deserts, and rivers, living creatures interact with each other as well as with the air, water, and soil around them, forming an interconnected community. The ecosystem services provided by biodiversity are estimated to be worth trillions of dollars—double the world’s GDP. Biodiversity also includes genetic differences within species, such as different breeds and varieties, as well as chromosomes, genes, and genetic sequences (DNA). Biodiversity also has human benefits. For example, many new medicines are harvested from nature, such as the rosy periwinkle, which provides two very important cancer-fighting medicines.

Events and Articles

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Showing 51 - 60 of 400 results

Inclusive Wealth As a Measure of Sustainability and Equity

This side event launched UNEP's new Inclusive Wealth Report, which dives into data on assets and production—and the boundaries of produced, human, and natural capital—for 163 countries, as policymakers look for measures of progress that count the value of nature.
Event 10 December 2022

The Knowledge Management for Biodiversity Initiative

The overall objective of the Knowledge Management for Biodiversity Initiative is to support effective implementation of the global biodiversity framework by fostering effective knowledge management to enable biodiversity planning, policy formulation, decision making and implementation processes. 
Event 10 December 2022

ASEAN Strides Toward the Achievement of the Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework

Under the umbrella of the COP 15 theme "Ecological Civilization-Building a Shared Future for All Life on Earth," the side event engaged key policymakers from ASEAN Members States to highlight progress in achieving biodiversity goals in the ASEAN region, including challenges and innovative solutions to contribute to the post-2020 global biodiversity framework.
Event 10 December 2022

Nature-Based Climate Solutions: Enhancing Biodiversity Co-Benefits

Speakers examined how to generate measurable, scalable biodiversity co-benefits from nature-based climate solutions—projects that conserve, restore, and sustainably use biodiversity and ecosystems while inclusively helping people adapt to the adverse effects of climate change.
Event 10 December 2022

Biodiversity and the Urgent Need for Food System Reform

This side event considered alternative food production systems that can produce more than enough to feed the world while working in alignment with landscapes and habitats to produce healthy, nutritious, and culturally appropriate food.
Event 9 December 2022

Addressing the ABS Challenges of the GBF: On What Can We Build?

This side event reflected upon the implementation of the third objective of the CBD and related capacity development challenges under the forthcoming GBF. Speakers elaborated on what, in relation to ABS-related capacity development, should be done better under the future GBF.
Event 9 December 2022

Exploring Options for Financing and Investing in the Gender-Biodiversity Nexus

Panelists examined the current gender-biodiversity financing gap that needs to be addressed for gender-responsive implementation of the new GBF; and explored options that can help to address the gender-biodiversity financing gap to deliver on biodiversity, climate, and gender commitments.
Event 9 December 2022

Invest in Success: Innovative Finance for 30X30

Speakers discussed options for increasing investment through innovative financial mechanisms to achieve the post-2020 global biodiversity framework’s Target 3, on protecting 30% of the world's terrestrial and marine habitats by 2030 
Event 9 December 2022