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ENB:05:01 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


: During its resumed organizational session, ECOSOC will also discuss the High-Level Advisory Board. The Secretary-General, in his report on the matter to ECOSOC (E/1993/15) stated his intention to set up this Board with 15 to 25 "internationally recognized personalities to be appointed by him in their personal capacity." It is his idea that the Board would meet for several days before each session of the CSD to review policy papers presented by the UN Secretariat related to the thematic work of the upcoming session. This group would also bring to the attention of the Secretary-General and the CSD "emerging problems related to sustainable development and possible ways and means for resolving them." The report goes on to suggest that the Secretary-General may establish a roster of experts maintained by the DPCSD (of which the Committee for Development Planning might be a sub-set) from which the Secretariat could organize ad-hoc working groups around the themes of the session that would submit papers to the High-Level Advisory Board and the CSD.