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ENB:12:45 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


Mr. Takao Shibata (Japan) chaired the non-group on elements related to institutions, mechanisms and other clauses, which met from 4-5 March. On 7 March, Mr. Shibata presented the report of the non-group. He explained that this document is based on sections of the Framework Compilation dealing with preamble and definitions, institutions and processes, and final elements. Section I on introductory elements concerns preamble and definitions. Section II addresses the following institutions and processes attendant to the protocol: conference of the Parties/meeting of the Parties; secretariat; subsidiary bodies; coordination mechanism; financial mechanism; review of information and review of implementation and compliance; a multilateral consultative process; and dispute settlement. Section III on final elements contains several parts including decision making, amendments, relationship with the Convention, adoption and amendment of annexes, right to vote, relationship to other agreements, signature, ratification and entry into force.

He reported that, in adhering to its "non-mandate" to streamline proposals, the non-group produced a document that he was confident the AGBM would approve. Although the non-group did not complete its work on "final elements," the group entrusted Mr. Shibata and the secretariat to finish work on this section.