32nd UN-Water Meeting
28-29 January 2020 | Rome, Italy
The 32nd UN-Water Meeting will gather UN-Water Members and Partners in Rome, Italy, from 28-29 January 2020, to discuss international water and sanitation policy issues and opportunities to coordinate the work of their respective organizations to address them.
UN-Water plays a coordinating role within the UN, to ensure that the UN family “delivers as one” in response to water-related challenges. The overarching focus of UN-Water’s Members and Partners is to support UN Member States to sustainably manage water and sanitation. This mission is carried out through three areas of work: efforts to inform policies; efforts to monitor and report; and efforts to inspire action.
Agenda items at the 32nd UN-Water meeting will include:
- Way forward to accelerate progress on SDG 6 implementation;
- Update on the process to the 2021 and 2023 high-level events;
- Update on the 2020 country level coordination work;
- Expert Group on Regional Level Coordination Terms of Reference;
- Update on the UN-Water Analytical Brief on Unconventional Water Resources;
- Discussion on the draft UN-Water 2030 Strategy; and
- Approval of the UN-Water Work Programme 2020-2021.
IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB+ Meeting Coverage, has provided a summary report from the 32nd UN-Water Meeting, which is now available in HTML and PDF.
IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB+ Meeting Coverage, will provide a summary report from the 32nd UN-Water Meeting, on Saturday, 1 February 2020.
UN-Water Resource
IISD ENB/ENB+ Meeting Coverage
- 31st UN-Water Meeting, 23-24 August 2019, Stockholm, Sweden
- 30th UN-Water Meeting, 31 January-1 February 2019, Rome, Italy
- 29th UN-Water Meeting, 24-25 August 2018, Stockholm, Sweden
- 28th UN-Water Meeting, 1-2 February 2018, Rome, Italy
- 27th UN-Water Meeting, 25-26 August 2017, Stockholm, Sweden
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