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Thirteenth Session of the Subsidiary Bodies of the UNFCCC
Lyon, France; 4 - 15 September 2000


Highlights from Wednesday, 6 September

Delegates to the informal meetings preceding SB-13 met to consider: land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF); FCCC Article 4.8 and 4.9 and Protocol Article 3.14 (adverse effects); compliance; capacity building; the mechanisms; technology transfer; and guidelines under Protocol Articles 5 (methodological issues), 7 (communication of information) and 8 (review of information).

Right: The view from outside the Palais des Congres

Capacity Building
Delegates heard a presentation on the results of the Climate Change Needs Assessment undertaken as part of the Capacity Development Initiative. The presentation addressed the socioeconomic context, vulnerability to climate change, key issues and main constraints for non-Annex 1 countries; key issues and main constraints for Annex countries; common capacity needs; and key areas for capacity. The presentation then went on to address each specific needs and emphasis in each region (Africa, Asia Pacific, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean and Small Island Developing States). In the ensuing discussion, the G-77/China questioned the value of the CDI as a separate initiative, noting that much of what had been raised through this process had been previously elaborated in COP decisions, and requested the GEF to present at COP-6, a full report on the CDI and inquired if the resources were drawn from the budget allocated for climate change activities.

UNDP and GEF representatives during the CDI presentation

G-77/China representatives with donor country representatives and Avani Vaish, Capacity Building Manager, GEF (center, with brown shoulder bag).

In an afternoon session, delegates discussed the mandate of the facilitation and enforcement branches in the compliance body. Right: Co-chair Harold Dovland (center)


The Secretariat gave an overview of liability options for emissions trading (FCCC/SB/2000/4) including methodological issues/questions; linkages with other Kyoto Protocol areas (Articles 5, 7, 8 and compliance); time considerations; and conclusions. The following are the eight options that were presented: originating Party liability; shared liability; acquiring Party liability; trigger; compliance reserve; commitment period reserve; units in surplus to plan; and surplus units. Left: Chair Kok Kee Chow on the big screen of Salle Lumiere ("room of light").

Climate Change Kiosk
The Climate Change Kiosk, situated outside the conference rooms at the Palais Des Congres and run by the UNFCCC Secretariat, offers literature on the climate change negotiation process. Delegates can find copies of the Convention and the Kyoto Protocol as well as other background literature on the process. The goal of the kiosk is to give an overview of the climate change process to new participants. Delegates can obtain assistance navigating through the UNFCCC website and finding documents.

For more extensive information visit the Climate Change Secretariat's Resource Page at

Click on the images below for larger image of background information available at the kiosk's exhibit


In the corridors...

Some participants speculated that the reasons for the criticisms levelled at the GEF's Capacity Development Initiative during Wednesday's meeting could be sourced to concern about the financing of the CDI and the implications in terms of support for other climate-related activities. A number alleged that a lack of transparency in the selection of regional consultants and in the manner in which the process was conducted in certain regions detracted from substantive discussions on the assessment results. On a more optimistic note, others pointed out that the CDI's reports have at least reaffirmed the main priority areas previously highlighted for urgent action, and added that this can contribute to the development of a clear and focused COP-6 decision.

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