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Summary and Analysis
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Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting for the Nineteenth Session of the Commission on Sustainable Development

28 February - 4 March 2011 | UN Headquarters, New York United States of America
Highlights for Friday, 4 March 2011


On Friday morning, CSD IPM held two multistakeholder dialogues. The first dialogue focused on “advancing the implementation of sustainable development” with regards to the thematic issues under consideration at CSD 18/19. The second addressed contributions from CSD 19 to UNCSD (Rio 2012).

At 2:00pm New York time on Friday afternoon, a Chair’s draft negotiating text was distributed to delegates. The text was designed to form the basis for negotiations on an outcome at CSD 19. Delegates spent several hours reviewing the text before reconvening for the CSD IPM’s closing plenary shortly before 5:00 pm. Delegates provided an initial response, with many welcoming the text as the basis for negotiations at CSD 19. They also made observations on possible errors or omissions. Following these interventions, delegates took note of the text for transmittal to CSD 19, and adopted the report of the IPM (E/CN.17/IPM/2011/L.2). Thanking participants for their “excellent inputs” during the week, Chair László Borbély thanked the Secretariat and other support staff, the Bureau and all participants for their hard work, and looked forward to seeing everyone again for CSD 19 in May. He declared the IPM closed at 6:10 pm.  

Country flags outside the UN Headquarters.
Country flags outside the UN Headquarters.
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Sustainable Development Policy & Practice
Daily highlights (click on the following links to see our daily web pages)
Panel on Multistakeholder Dialogue on Advancing Implementation of Sustainable Development. L-R: Sharyle Patton, Commonweal, US; Kathleen Abdalla, DSD; Chair László Borbély (Romania); Vivian Pliner, DSD; Elizabeth Thompson, Secretariat for the Rio 2012 Conference.
Panel on Multistakeholder Dialogue on Contributions from CSD-19 to the UN Conference on Sustainable Development. L-R: Ernst Ulrich von Weizsacker, International Resource Panel; Kathleen Abdalla, DSD; Chair Silvano Vergara (Panama); Vivian Pliner, DSD; Helio Mattar, Akatu Institute for Conscientious Consumption, Brazil.
Delegates scrutinizing the newly released Chair's draft negotiating text.
Switzerland underlined that the 10YFP for SCP needs to be adopted at CSD 19 and become immediately operational.
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Related Links
UN Division for Sustainable Development (DSD) resources
*CSD-19 IPM website
*CSD-19 IPM organization of work
*CSD-19 documents

IISD RS resources
IISD RS coverage of CSD-18, 3-14 May 2010, UN Headquarters, New York, United States of America
IISD RS coverage of CSD-17, 4-15 May 2009, UN Headquarters, New York, United States of America
IISD RS coverage of CSD-17 IPM, 23-27 February 2009, UN Headquarters, New York, United States of America
IISD RS coverage of CSD-16, 5-16 May 2008, UN Headquarters, New York, United States of America
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