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ENB:08:10 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


This chapter aims at developing SIDS' management capacities both in the coastal area and in their Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs). This can best be achieved through the elaboration of an integrated coastal zone management methodology appropriate to SIDS, monitoring programmes for coastal and marine resources, developing capacities for sustainable harvesting and processing of fisheries resources and establishing clearing houses for coastal and marine environmental information. The capabilities of SIDS to effectively survey and monitor of activities in the EEZs need to be developed, as does cooperation to facilitate mutually advantageous fishing agreements between SIDS and foreign fishing groups. In this respect, participation of SIDS in the UN Conference on Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks is to be encouraged and facilitated. Some delegates required clarification on points such as foreign fishing within SIDS' EEZs or on the high seas and so this issue was one of the few in this chapter where consensus was not immediate.