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An informal informal meeting completed consideration of paragraphs 58-65 in Section B (adequate shelter for all) Monday evening. While reviewing Monday's agreements, Syria bracketed "equal" in 58(f) (equal right to inheritance).

<M>In 100 (energy use), delegates amended a Canadian reformulation, noting that: energy use is essential; dependence on fossil fuel-based energy leads to environmental and health problems; sustainable energy production can be enhanced by energy efficiency, alternative energy use, and other means; and settlement and energy policies should be coordinated. The EU added "these represent a serious obstacle to sustainable development." The G-77/China proposed "may represent." The EU suggested "can." China objected and "may" was bracketed.

In 101(a) (urban planning), delegates added "rural" planning and EU text regarding solutions that pay attention to end-users. In 101(b) (energy pricing policies), delegates added Australian text to ensure that "people living in poverty are not disadvantaged." Delegates added 101(c)bis calling for development of non-motorized or low-energy transport systems (EU). Delegates added 101(f)bis calling for a campaign to encourage recycling, reuse and reduced energy consumption. References to solar technology and energy efficient design were included in 101(g) (reduce energy consumption in buildings). Delegates called for reduced metal compounds in transportation fuels in 101(i) (promote new technologies).

In 102 (transportation systems), delegates noted that the poor, children, older persons, and people with disabilities are disadvantaged by the lack of accessible transport systems (US). Delegates added 102bis, a reformulated Australian proposal calling for potential impacts of developments in communication technology to be addressed.

In 103 (promote access), delegates suggested giving priority to reducing unnecessary travel and developing transport policies that emphasize mobility (US) through pricing and other regulations (EU). Delegates reformulated an EU-proposed 103bis, calling for affordable, efficient and energy-saving modes of transport.

In 104 (sustainable transport in human settlements), delegates called for action by governments, in partnership with private and community sectors and other stakeholders. In 104(a) (technical options), delegates called for attention to the needs of all population groups (EU). In 104(c) (optimal modal composition), delegates added "private" (EU). In 104(d) (discourage growth of traffic), delegates listed disincentive measures, such as pricing and land-use planning (US).

In 106 (places and objects of cultural value), delegates noted the need to promote their role, "particularly in light of the need for cultural identity and continuity in a rapidly changing world" and noted the importance of access to culture (Croatia).

Delegates received text for a new 59bis, which the Secretariat drafted based on recommendations from the EU, Mexico, Indonesia and the G-77/China regarding self-built housing. Delegates expected to work informally during the evening.

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