The ministerial segment of the twelfth session of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN-12) opened on Tuesday, 10 June 2008, at the Sandton International Convention Centre in Johannesburg, South Africa. Ministers and their advisors met in the afternoon to: hear opening statements and presentations on subregional environmental plans for the implementation of the Action Plan for the Environment Initiative of NEPAD; welcome the launch of the publication of Africa:Atlas of Our Changing Environment; elect the Bureau and new President; and consider the report of the Expert Group segment. The session was followed by a reception hosted by the UNEP Executive Director.
L-R: Achim Steiner, Executive Director UNEP; Marthinus Van Schalkwyk, Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, South Africa; and André Okombi Salissa outgoing AMCEN President, Ministry of Tourism and Environment (Republic of Congo)
Marthinus Van Schalkwyk, incoming President of AMCE, Minister of Environment and Tourism (South Africa)
Peter Acquah, Officer in Charge, UN Environment Programme (UNEP) - Regional Office Africa
Babagana Ahmadu, Director for rural Economy and Agriicullture, African Union Commission (AUC)
André Okombi Salissa, outgoing AMCEN President, Ministry of Tourism and Environment (Republic of Congo)
Achim Steiner, Executive Director, UNEP, officially launched Africa: Atlas of our changing Environment, noting that it was the first report of its kind for the continent.
L-R: Achim Steiner, UNEP Executive Director, and André Okombi Salissa, outgoing President of AMCEN (Republic of Congo), officially launching Africa: Atlas of our Changing Environment, during the opening ceremony of AMCEN-12.
L-R: Achim Steiner, UNEP Executive Director; André Okombi Salissa, outgoing President of AMCEN (Republic of Congo); and Marthinus Van Schalkwyk, Minister of Environment and Tourism (South Africa)
UNEP invited all the participants to a cocktail to mark the launch of the report.
IISD RS Resources IISD RS summary report of AMCEN-11, 22-26 May 2006, Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo (HTML - PDF) African Regional Coverage Linkages Update - Bi-weekly international environment and sustainable development news MEA-L - A peer-to-peer listserve on multilateral environmental agreements Climate Change Policy & Practice - A knowledge management project for international negotiations and related activities on climate change
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